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To begin a weight lifting regime you don't have spend a lot of money to join a gym. You can do it in the comforts of your own home. All you need are dumbbells, a bench, a solid surface to stand on, and a mirror. All of which can be purchased at Target or Walmart . For woman you may want to start out with 5, 10 & 12 lb dumbbells. You'll need the mirror to watch your form as you're lifting. Proper form is crucial when lifting weights to avoid injury. Weight lifting will sculpt your muscles and as you continue to live the Liv SXinney lifestyle, you'll begin to notice new muscles definition - It's so exciting! Your self esteem will increase and pretty soon you'll feel empowered! And its at that point that you realize that you really can accomplish anything!

May 15, 2008

Yesterday was such a great day! My husband had a wonderful birthday, he surprised us and came home earlier than expected. We had my brother, Jeff, and my parents over. We were able to have a small family celebration, which was fun and relaxing. We're still having a big bash for him on Sunday. We'll have a ball I'm sure! :) Today is going to be a great day! I'm looking forward to a warmer day with lots of sunshine. Seriously, the warm sun make a huge difference in my life & health for that matter. I live for sunny days! It's my definition of heaven on earth. So today should be awesome! I'm ready to drink my SW & C before I work out. I have to say, that SW is such a gift! I couldn't imagine my life without it now, as crazy as that sounds, but it's true! I really am under a lot of stress right now with my construction company, and since I've been drinking SW it hasn't been as difficult on me as it could have. I'm staying focused on happy


To lose fat drink SXinney Water and CRave throughout the day. And when exercising do interval training for your cardio . For example, if you like to walk in the mornings, start out walking your normal pace which would be about 3 on a scale from 1 to 10. Then take it up to a 5 for one minute, and then an 8 which would be a really fast jog for one minute then a 10 which would be a sprint for one minute. After you would take it back down to a 3 and repeat the cycle again for at least 20 to 30 minutes. It will boost your metabolism and burn fat faster. So get moving! And remember to think happy thoughts! :)

May 14, 2008

Today's my sweetheart's birthday! We always decorate the house and have a family party in the evening. But he has to work late into the evening so we're going to have his official celebration on Sunday after church. We'll have our families over for a BBQ and games. It's supposed to be 90 degrees! Yehaw ! I can hardly wait, it will be a lot of fun for sure! I woke up feeling better today - yeah! I've been on the computer all morning working and I have a meeting at 9:30 am, so I won't be able to workout until later, which is always a bummer. I like to workout directly after my kids go to school. Having a designated time for exercising is what works best for me. I love working out sooooo much! When I miss it I it's always at the back of my mind on my to-do list.... that's why I like to have it checked off my list each morning. I'll just have to do it later this afternoon. Well, I'm off to my meeting. Have a great day! Today's Diet: I actua


The art of visualization is very powerful! Especially in achieving your goals. Today write down 5 to 10 weight loss affirmations. For example you could say, "I am fit, thin & healthy, I feel lighter today, I am vibrant with lots of energy, I am in control of my eating habits , SXinney Water is my favorite drink of choice, or I am happy, healthy & strong!" Visualize yourself thinner, healthier and stronger! See yourself as already achieving your goals! And before you know it you'll find that your clothes fit a bit loser and you really do have more energy. Stay positive and visualize yourself daily as already achieving your goals!

May 13, 2008

Good Morning! Today's a great day! The sun is shining and the it's supposed to be warmer beautiful day. My family didn't feel well yesterday and so we rested all day long! It was so nice to have my children with me, I love it when they're home from school - that's another reason why I love summer so much. Unfortunately, I still don't feel 100% today either, so I'm sure I'll have to rest today as well. But I'm happy and looking forward to wonderful spring weather. I have to say that this has been such a cold spring... ugh! I much prefer the hot sun any day ! I tease my husband all the time and tell him that we're going to move to St. George, UT - I would love that so much!!! But our families are here so we won't be going anywhere, not to mention we're both self employed and have established our businesses here. I love where I live, I just wish the weather would stay warmer for longer than just summertime. Anyway, I'm going to try to l


To increase muscle mass quickly be sure to eat pure protein with each meal, including snacks. For breakfast you could have 5 egg whites or a protein shake, for lunch eat tuna, chicken or cottage cheese, and for dinner have steak, fish or turkey. And for snacks have a protein bar, protein drink or cottage cheese. Try to keep your portion sizes in check. Remember the size of the palm of your hand is a serving... not the size of your entire hand! :P Try to eat clean for all of your 5 meals (a protein, complex carb & veggie) at least 3 days a week for starters. And then gradually you'll notice that you'll prefer whole foods and it will becomes a way of life. And don't forget your SXinney Water & CRave to assist in your weight loss goals. By eating clean and drinking your SXinney Water and CRave you'll see results much sooner and feel healthier too!

May 12, 2008

Wow! What a weekend.... I hope all of the mother's reading had a very happy Mother's Day! I sure did! I had such a wonderful weekend. First of all the ZXoom conference was a great success. Everyone that attended were absolutely remarkable! I met so many amazing people. I enjoyed meeting each and everyone. I'm have to say it again - I'm incredibly grateful to part of such an awesome company from the beginning. I'm tickled that ZXoom is still at the pre-launch stage. I'm not only passionate about the miraculous products but I'm also psyched about the compensation plan - The amount of money I'm going to be making is huge! I sincerely believe that Liv SXinney is an answer to my prayers in more ways than one. When I returned home from the ZXoom conference late Saturday afternoon I came home to a spotless home & the barn chores & yardwork were all done as well. My adorable family worked all day for me. I like my home clean and tighty . Coming hom


Smile a lot today. Smiles truly are contagious . What's more enjoyable than feeling happy? Each time you look in a mirror or see a reflection of yourself smile and think a loving thought. And before you know it you'll be a more loving spouse, parent,family member and friend. A positive disposition is very powerful! So embrace it and have a fabulous day!

May 10, 2008

Hey there! Today's the big ZXoom event in Sandy, Utah. I'm going to be their fitness representative. I'm really excited at the thought of helping hundreds of fabulous people. I woke up really early again today... my precious daughter had a bad dream at 5:30 am this morning. I tried to go back to sleep but without luck. But that's okay, I feel better than yesterday and it's a beautiful day! I've already exercised. I did 7.5 miles on my bike and full body weight training. I typically do split training, (upper body training one day and lower body the next) but I haven't been able to workout for most of the week. When I go longer than 3 to 4 days without exercising I always start back with a full body workout, and then go back to doing the split training in addition to cardio everyday. Well, I've decided to write in my blogs Monday - Friday, I need downtime to veg with my adorable family. If you have any questions on the weekends, write me! I check my emai


Remember the most important meal of the day is breakfast - literally. The metabolism needs a jump start after fasting all night. If you don't have time to make breakfast, mix a protein drink, (I suggest buying a hand mixer it's much faster and makes its nice and smooth.) And for those that work and don't have time to grab lunch or snacks, prepare your meals before hand and take a sack lunch & a box of protein bars. And remember your SXinney Water. Bring a bottle of SXinney Water to work and leave it in the refrigerator so you can add it to your water and drink it all day. You're body will love you for it!

May 9, 2008

Good Morning, Yesterday was a special day, I sponsored two very dear friends in ZXoom . I love them so very much. I felt impressed to contact both of them about two weeks ago, so I did. I knew that SXinney Water would be an answer to their prayers. When I introduced SXinney Water & CRave to them it was so fun! It was as though it was meant to be. One of my friends began to cry when she committed to living the Liv SXinney lifestyle. My heart was touched deeply. I'm looking forward to assisting her in achieving her weight loss goals. It will be wonderful to watch her health improve as well. I'm very sincere when I say that I truly believe SXinney Water & CRave is a gift from heaven. I have another full day. I'm still fatigued unfortunately; however, I really do believe that I would be in bed if it wasn't for SXinney Water, it's helped me tons! But I don't have the energy to workout again... ugh! I just need our spec home to sell quickly... I'm


I get a lot of questions about when to exercise with a busy schedule. I highly recommend doing it first thing in the morning. If you only do cardio for 10 minutes to start out, that's great! If you haven't workout in years you can begin by walking in place while watching TV for a few minutes, and as you begin to feel stronger do it for a few more minutes than the day before. I always wake up and put on my exercise clothes before walking out of my bedroom. That way I'm ready to go! Then I take some CRave & drink my SXinney Water to ensure I'll have extra energy for my workout. Make exercise a priority in your life. The rewards are endless. You'll feel better about yourself and you'll lose weight faster too! And that makes for a happy fulfilling life! So get moving! :)

May 8, 2008

Hi guys! Well, I'm awake, but sadly I didn't sleep that great... But I'm happy, I just have a lot on my mind, when I do my sleeping isn't the greatest. I have so much going on today that I actually woke up before 6 am... I would've preferred to sleep in until 7 am but my body decided otherwise. It's crazy how that works. I'm looking forward to a fabulous day. I have a meetings for most of the day again regarding SXinney Water and then I have to check on our homes we're building. We really need to sell our spec home this week! Please pray that we will! It will take a huge load off of my shoulders. Our home is so beautiful that it will make a loving family very happy for years to come. For any of you that are interested in becoming a ZXOOMER with me, there's a "By Invitation Only" meeting on Saturday from 1-4 pm at the Karen Miller Convention Center in Sandy. I would love to have you there and meet all of you! So if you can come please d

May 7, 2008

Good Morning, I actually slept really well last night! I'm so happy. Actually drinking SW has helped me so much with reducing my stress level and sleeping. I just have to do my part and be sure to get to bed on time. I'm feeling tons better today though, for that I am deeply grateful. I'm really looking forward to having a delightful day. Kecia & I have a spec home for sale, we're very hopeful and thinking happy thoughts that we'll have it sold this week for sure! Yeah! That will be a huge blessing in our lives - I can't wait for the economy to improve. But we're blessed to have our current clients we're building for. I love building homes for loving families. We have the greatest clients, they become friends for life! I'll keep you posted on our spec house - it's so beautiful, I really do love it! I'm so, so excited for school to be out... I can't wait to have my kids home with me. We have tons of fun together, I live for their hug


To build muscle quickly be sure to eat protein with each and every meal. Be sure to eat a protein, complex carb & veggies for at least 3 of your main meals. Also, to burn fat try not to eat any carbs after 6 pm. Your last meal should consist of protein & veggies. And of course you won't want to forget your SXinney Water and CRave . If you follow these guidelines you'll see great result sooner. Happy eating! :P


When eating a clean diet if you happen to 'fall off the wagon' or find yourself sabotaging your efforts, don't get mad at yourself and give up. Just realize that you didn't eat as well as you would've liked for that one meal. Regroup and focus on your goals and then eat clean for the rest of the day. And remember to think positively about yourself. Be sure to drink your SXinney Water and CRave . That will dramatically assist in clearing the cravings for the salty, sugary foods.

May 5, 2008

Hi there! Well, this morning I woke up very tired... I went to bed way too late and woke up early. Its going to be more difficult to exercise today, but that's okay. I've had my SW and protein drink & vitamins prior to hitting my gym. I already did my cardio , it wasn't as easy as usual . I actually need a lot of sleep, especially when I have a lot going on in my life - like now. I've been really busy lately with my construction company, ZXoom business & horse training - not to mention being a attentive mother & wife. But it's all so good. Life is exciting and full of wonderful experiences. I'll get through today with a positive mindset, good wholesome food and a happy attitude. My cute husband has been rebuilding his engine in his twin turbo Supra. I love to walk out to his garage and watch him at work. He has one fast car, he does a 1/4 mile in 11 seconds, and that was with his old engine! His new one will be even more powerful. He's really gi


Positive affirmations will powerfully change your life for the better. Each day say 10 positive attributes about yourself throughout the day. Then extend your love and compliments to your loved ones. And before you know it you'll feel happier and your family will become closer. How great is that! Remember you are the most important person on earth! :)

May 5, 2008

Good Morning! Today's a great day! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I actually feel well again - not a 100%, but I'm almost as good as new. I feel well enough to workout again, yeah! I won't be able to do cardio yet, (my chest still hurts) but I can do weights. I'll start with 20 minutes warm up, do upper body weights and I'll end with stretching. I'm really excited to get going.. I'm so grateful for my healthy body. I have to confess that I didn't eat well at all this weekend...(that's always a bummer.) When I don't feel well I tend to snack a lot. I didn't really eat anything that's unhealthy, I just ate way too often... and that doesn't make for a lean physique . And now I have to make up for what I call 'damage control.' So I've decided that I'm going to keep my diet journal on my blog - how's that for scary! lol . I'll end each day with what I ate and hopefully it will be all good. That will