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Showing posts with the label Low fat cooking tips


Low-Fat Cooking & Baking Tips & Delicious Low-Fat Recipes I love to bake and cook for my family; however, I don’t love high fats and sugar in the meals and deserts I make for my family. You too can love cooking without all the extra calories. I can make any recipe healthier with less fat and sugar without compromising taste. My simple changes add nutrition, have fewer calories, have more fiber & are just as delicious as a standard recipe.  Below are low-fat cooking & baking tips along with delicious low-fat recipes that are full of flavor, fiber and nutrition.


LOW-FAT COOKING & BAKING TIPS As the holiday's creep upon us it's a time to have a few diet tricks up our sleeves to ward of the unwanted holiday weight gain. You can enjoy the festivities without the extra needless calories that will just add to your waistline. Did you know on average people gain anywhere from 10 to 15 lbs during the sweet season of family parties and social gatherings? That's a lot of fat! But you can be ahead of the game by using these tips & tricks to get you through the holiday season without the extra baggage around your waist, hips & thighs...