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Showing posts with the label how to eat healthier

How to Eat a Clean Diet

How to Eat a Clean Diet Most everyone has heard the terminologies 'eating clean' or 'a clean diet'. To the fitness enthusiast it's a way of life and not a ‘diet’, yet too many people think of eating clean as a negative way of eating. Often you'll hear people trying to eat healthier say, “I can’t have this or this or this…” which is deprivation in the mind as they think of it as restrictions rather than as a powerful diet which can improve their health and wellness dramatically.   I began eating a clean diet over two years ago and have loved the benefits for doing so. When I was young I was very sick, all throughout my teenage years and into my early 20s. It wasn't until I changed my diet from the typical adolescent diet filled with chips, soda, fast foods and sugar that my body began to heal and gain more energy and vitality.  At first it was a bit confusing and difficult to do, but as soon as I began feeling better by simply changing small aspects of...