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Showing posts with the label how to be empowered

Boomers Rock! Radio Show Interview

Boomers Rock! Radio Show Interview The author of "Ridiculously Happy! The Secrets to Manifesting the Life and Body of Your Dreams", Carol Whitaker makes her debut, and quite the expert she is, that is for sure. With Dr. Lori Shemek in the conversation this Ignite Your Life episode rocks. As a highly sought after life transformation and fitness expert  her multi-faceted experience brings a lot to a radio interview.

How to Live Your Truth

How to Live Your Truth The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. ~Bob Moawad Living your truth means to live from your spirit, your true essence within, to be able to live up to your highest potential. You are a magnificent women of pure energy, truth and light. To live your truth you must first come to love and value everything about yourself. If you question or doubt yourself all the time or fail to stand up for what’s true, you are not living your truth. However, when you love all that you are and live in the deliciousness of the moment by walking in faith, then know that you are, in fact, living from your higher-self.

CTR Radio Show That Ignites Change

"Ask Carol" with Carol Whitaker Radio Talk Show on Contact Talk Radio Network The Show That Ignite Change  I'm thrilled to announce that my new radio show, "Ask Carol" with Carol Whitaker, will air this Wednesday at 12 noon MST. I'll be taking calls on body, mind & spirit to help you learn how to create the life & body of your dreams. You can listen to the promo for "Ask Carol" at Videos.html I want to hear from you!  Please feel free to call in at 1-877-230-3062 with your questions on how to accomplish your lifestyle, fitness, exercise, and diet goals, including questions about how to release emotional stress and negative self-talk. I can help you learn how to release negative beliefs to transform your mind into having powerful creative thoughts to improve your quality of life in all  areas including having more happiness, health, love, joy & abuandance.  You can create the life ...