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Showing posts with the label how to eat clean

How to Sculpt Sexy Legs and a Tight Tush

How to Sculpt Sexy Legs and a Tight Tush Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every bit of energy used to blast through a tough lower body workout. To get lean legs and behind takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results you desire.  Who wants to jiggle in their swimsuit as they walk along the beach or pool, I sure don’t! For starters, plan on training Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to get your legs and glutes in shape faster, you can alternate lower body training days each new week as well if you'd like.  Working legs take a lot of energy to push through a good, hard workout, the energy used is that of your brown fat. When you dig deep for added strength while doing that last rep, your body will go for deep stored fat much like it does with doing HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Doing so burns more calories during and after you train.


  4 TIPS TO ACHIEVE YOUR IDEAL  BODY WEIGHT Weight loss is achievable no matter how much weight you want to lose, anyone can achieve their ideal body weight, by being dedicated to achieving their dreams.  Regardless of where you are now, you can achieve your ideal body weight. You can transform any aspect of your physical self you choose—all by honoring your truth and respecting your body.

How to Eat a Clean Diet

How to Eat a Clean Diet Most everyone has heard the terminologies 'eating clean' or 'a clean diet'. To the fitness enthusiast it's a way of life and not a ‘diet’, yet too many people think of eating clean as a negative way of eating. Often you'll hear people trying to eat healthier say, “I can’t have this or this or this…” which is deprivation in the mind as they think of it as restrictions rather than as a powerful diet which can improve their health and wellness dramatically.   I began eating a clean diet over two years ago and have loved the benefits for doing so. When I was young I was very sick, all throughout my teenage years and into my early 20s. It wasn't until I changed my diet from the typical adolescent diet filled with chips, soda, fast foods and sugar that my body began to heal and gain more energy and vitality.  At first it was a bit confusing and difficult to do, but as soon as I began feeling better by simply changing small aspects of


  FALLING OFF THE CLEAN EATING WAGON ~  HOW TO RELEASE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS Emotions are very powerful.  Everything you do is based on emotions.  What you crave to eat is based off of how you feel.  When you are reaching for a sugary treat what you are actually doing is reaching for a “feel good” food which will increase serotonin in the brain. Sugar will indeed help you feel better for slit a moment but only to come crashing down soon after and then you will begin craving more sugar to give you the "sugar high" your emotions are wanting.  You can train in a gym for hours daily but if you don't fuel your body with the proper nutrition needed for energy to fuel and rebuild your hard worked muscles then you might as well just do aerobics and forget dreaming of having a hard-body.  Proper nutrition and weight lifting are vital keys to transforming your physique! LETTING GO If you fall off the “eating clean” wagon often and find it difficult to fol


8 SWIMSUIT READY FITNESS TIPS FOR WOMEN It’s that time of year again--swimsuit season!   We all want to feel confident in a swimsuit, but it takes a bit of preparation to look our summer best on the beach or at the pool. Looking your best begins from within. Use the power of your mind to create the life and body of your dreams.   Visualize how you want your physique to be.    Be happy and think positive thoughts about your body to ensure you’re mindset is in the right place to be swimsuit ready all summer long.    Below are 8 fat burning fitness tips to assist you in reaching your fitness goals to be swimsuit ready 24/7.    Learn to embrace and enjoy exercise, the sooner you do your body will transform faster and with less effort rather than exercising begrudgingly.    8 SWIMSUIT READY FITNESS TIPS 1.      Weight Training & Intervals:   Doing a weightliftin g program coupled with intervals—alternating high-intensity bursts of riding a stationary bike or running