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It’s that time of year again--swimsuit season!  We all want to feel confident in a swimsuit, but it takes a bit of preparation to look our summer best on the beach or at the pool.
Looking your best begins from within. Use the power of your mind to create the life and body of your dreams.  Visualize how you want your physique to be.  
Be happy and think positive thoughts about your body to ensure you’re mindset is in the right place to be swimsuit ready all summer long. 
 Below are 8 fat burning fitness tips to assist you in reaching your fitness goals to be swimsuit ready 24/7.  Learn to embrace and enjoy exercise, the sooner you do your body will transform faster and with less effort rather than exercising begrudgingly.  


1.   Weight Training & Intervals: Doing a weightlifting program coupled with intervals—alternating high-intensity bursts of riding a stationary bike or running with a recovery period—is the best way to burn fat faster and transform your physique.  You can do them on separate days or combined to save time and burn more calories.

2.   Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of purified water with branch chain amino acids (BCAA’s) before, during and after exercise.  Keeping the body hydrated will fuel your muscles and give aid in warding off fatigue as well as remove toxins from the body.

3.   Strength Train Often: Alternate doing upper body and lower body exercises at least 3 days a week, every other day is best.  Be sure to do intervals after strength training to burn the deep fat for energy and fat loss. Use free weights to use more muscles and effectiveness.  Free weights cause you to use more muscles than using machines that are designed for one muscle group.

4.   Lift Heavy to Sculpt: Women often choose light weights because they’re afraid they’ll get too big.  The truth is only professional women body builders have the brute strength to lift heavy enough to add major size and volume.

5.   Increase the weight or Reps: Choose a weight that you can definitely lift eight, maybe 10, but definitely not 12 times.  Do 10 reps in a set the first time, then 12, then 15, and once you're doing sets of 15, increase the weight and go back to 10 reps per set.

6.   Form is Everything: Proper form is everything when lifting weights. Always lift in front of a mirror.  If you aren’t sure how to lift correctly look up the exercise online there are tons of articles and images to choose from, print them off and place then were you can referred to them easily, or hire a fitness coach to help you.

7.   Fuel Your Body with the Foods it Needs:  If you truly want to look lean by summer then eat what your body craves--good, whole nutrition. Eat plenty of lean protein, fresh fruit, veggies and clean fats such as flax seed oil or fish oil and raw almonds. 
     As I always say, "If God did not make it don’t eat it."  Processed foods are filled with toxins, stay clear of all junk food, it will only make you tired, stressed, fatigues and you will have to workout harder in the gym to see little progress if any.  Proper nutrition is essential when living a LivFit Lifestyle.

8.   Log Your Success: Keep a diet and fitness log in addition to a gratitude journal. Each day write what you ate and what exercises you did, along with how you felt and how proud you were of yourself.  
     And there you have it, simple tips to achieve amazing results.  As with all goals, follow through ~ consistency is key to achieving fitness success! If you commit to working out then workout! Leave the excuses behind and hit the gym each weekday morning.
     By following these fitness tips along with having a positive mental attitude about how awesome your body is now your subconscious mind will create new beliefs which support your heart’s desires of achieve fitness success. 
By doing these fitness tips you will be able to transform your physique and feel confident in and out of the pool. 
Plan ahead make your workouts count and eat smart and before you know it you will be stronger, leaner and more confident in your swimsuit than ever before! 

Carol Whitaker


boys tops said…
Underwired tops and halter-necks and those which are molded are particularly good for busty figures, but make sure the straps are sturdy enough to take the strain — thin, spaghetti-style straps just make breasts look even bulkier.
These hints can surely make women feel and get ready to flaunt their sexy bodies. One clap for this wonderful blog!
Thank you for your kind complement! Happy training!

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