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Coaching Programs

Each Coaching Program in individualized. I create programs specifically to improve the areas of life my clients want to improve. If you are ready to stop living in the past and move forward feeling empowered and confident, contact us today. 

I'm here for you to help you learn how to have self-love and high self-worth to enable yourself to step into your innate power within. 

You can change your life, starting today!

Contact me to schedule a coaching call or to sign up for one of my transformation coaching programs. 

Transformation Coaching Programs

Contact us at

Each Transformation Coaching Program is for 4 weeks:

SILVER Program - $225
The Silver Program  includes four weekly 30-minute coaching calls. In-depth coaching to help you realize what is keeping you from your living as you desire to.  Holistic EFT Tapping Therapy as desired to help you release and release limiting beliefs. You will learn you can let go of what bothers you and to step into your power.

GOLD Program - $350
The Gold Program includes two weekly 30-minute coaching calls along with weekly weight loss meal menus, workout routines, and a Life Lesson each weekday via email. Holistic coaching to balance the body, mind and spirit to become your very best in all areas of your life.

PLATINUM Program - $550
The Platinum Program includes one weekly 60-minute coaching calls, unlimited coaching texting & emails, daily motivational text, along with weekly weight loss meal menus & workout routines, and a Life Lesson each weekday via email. As well as implementing Holistic EFT Tapping Therapy to release and shift limiting beliefs to become empowered, healthier, and happy. Goal setting and weekly accountability. 

DIAMOND Program - $1,000 
The Diamond Program includes two weekly 60-minute coaching calls, Monday morning inspirational videos, unlimited coaching texting and emails, daily morning texts, along with weekly weight loss meal menus, workout routines, and a Life Lesson each weekday via email. 

Will also implement holistic EFT coaching to balance the body, mind, and spirit. EFT Tapping Therapy is a powerful tool that enables the body and mind  to release and let go of limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. Ins so doing, it will enable you to rewire the neuropathways in your brain and create now paradigms in your subconscious mind that support your goals and dreams to be able to manifest the life and body you desire with intention. 


If you want to be happier, healthier, and successful, do yourself a favor and take action! I can help you finally shift your mindset to that of your hearts desires. I can help you release the limiting beliefs and feelings that cause your triggers and negative self-talk. 

You can transform your life and body. You have the ability to become that which you long to be. When you are confident and happy, all aspects of your life will improve, including your body image, your relationships, your friendships, your occupation, and your self-love and self-worth, which is the most important of all.  

All my coaching programs will give you the tools and life skills to truly live an extraordinary live. 

You will learn...
  • Powerful Tools to Begin to Take Control of Your Life
  • Personal One-on-One Coaching Calls
  •  How to Keep a Positive Mental Attitude of Gratitude to Create the Life of Your Dreams
  • How to Have More Joy, Peace & Happiness
  • How to Properly Set Short & Long Term Goals to Reach Success
  •  How Your Thoughts & Feeling Create Your Life Experiences
  • Daily Emails of Lifestyle Fitness Lessons
  • Weekly Fat Burning Meal Plans
  • Weekly Workout Routines to Transform Your Physique
  • How to Create a Plan of Action to Accomplish Your Goals 
  • How to Be Empowered & Improve Your Self Confidence 
  •  Deep Emotional Clearing Techniques
  • How to Co-Create Your Life on Purpose
  • How to Connect with Your Higher Self
  • How to be the Master of Your Mind
  •  How to Use Powerful Visualization Tools
  • How Balance Your Body, Mind & Spirit to Lose Fat Faster
  • How to Release Limiting Thoughts
  • How to Reprogram Your Mind 
  • How to Create & Use Daily Affirmations to Achieve Your Dreams
By having a holistic life coach, you will have the needed tools in which to assist you in accomplishing anything you set your mind to. You deserve to improve your quality of life, contact me today! 

With love & gratitude,


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