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Showing posts with the label Dreams


YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH YOUR DREAMS! Do you dream of being fit, thin, happy & strong? Do you believe in your divine abilities to truly be able to accomplish your goals & dreams? Dreams litearlly do come true if you believe & take the steps necessary to succeed. Many people look at my life and think I have it all but in reality they don't know how often I struggle with chronic fatigue on a daily basis.  I use to have self doubt and ate the wrong foods too... But then one day I had an awakening and realized that I truly had divinity within me which meant that I was a creator! I could take charge of my health & wellness to transform my body & my life and so I did! I started out with baby steps at first which lead to bigger and bigger steps soon I found myself running free ~ it was a glorious feeling beyond expression! RELEASE SELF DOUBT & LIMITING THOUGHTS You can release limiting thoughts & beliefs and YOU can lose weight! Anyone ca


"LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST" Living a Fit, Happy lifestyle is a gift that is ultimately brought on by your thoughts, feelings & emotions. I'm passionate about living my life to the fullest in all areas of life, that includes doing something that I love dearly every single day. My greatest treasures besides my amazing family are my precious horses. They inspire me to be better, to reach higher and to believe in my dreams. When I'm with them everything I'm worried or concerned about fades away... literally. My spirit ignites with joy, true happiness and love for them and for me! They fill my spirit with ultimate happiness every single time I'm with them and for that I am truly grateful. I'm thankful not only to Page & Flash (my horses) but to the Lord, I give thanks every single day for the bountiful blessings in my life - in all areas of my life... You too can have a Fit, Happy world around you by embracing what you Love every single day. What do