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Showing posts with the label how to master your mind


THE POWER OF MEDITATION “You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.”   ~ Darwin P. Kingsley The power to control your mind is one of the most empowering things you can do, it will literally shift your vibration to a higher energy frequency to enable you to manifest the life of your dreams. We were all born with the innate ability to create our lives intentionally; however, many of us have lost the connection of living in harmony with our higher-selves, our true essence, which is the fuel to rocket our desires to manifest into your reality and rather than living our dreams we’re just enduring our life experiences.  


 HOW TO LIVE FROM YOUR HIGHER-SELF TO MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create and manifest your dreams you must learn how to believe and tap into the higher power which ignites your soul with love, joy, health and abundance — It is your spirit within. You already have everything you need to achieve all that you desire.  To manifest your heart's desires to the fullest come to know who you really are.  You are a powerful spiritual being of pure energy and ligh


BELIEVE IN YOUR INNER POWER TO  CREATE YOUR DREAMS Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~ "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." "The mind, ever the willing servant , will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources." "If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal." To be able to fully create the life and body of your dreams you must learn how to believe in the power that ignites your life with love, joy, health and abundance.   You already have everything needed within you to manifest your heart's desires to the fullest!  That power is dine in nature, it is your spirit ~ your higher self. When you think about you what are the fist thoughts that come to mind? Do you believe