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Showing posts with the label heart disease

The Importance of Taking Care of Your Nerves at Any Age

The Importance of Taking Care of  Your Nerves at Any Age Many people neglect the health of their nervous systems, especially if they feel perfectly okay. For most individuals, the lack of illness symptoms is the same as being healthy. But, that is far from the truth. Good health includes your emotional, physical and, social well-being, and these are greatly affected by the nervous system. This system is important in ensuring that the functions of the body are carried out normally. For example, it allows blood to flow naturally and also helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. In addition, the nervous system helps in maintaining the normal breathing pattern. People with conditions such as diabetes, migraines, and asthma have disorders in their nervous systems. The drugs prescribed to patients with such conditions are meant to correct the functioning of the nervous system as a way of bringing about relief. Besides helping with the normal body functions,


              HEALTH RISKS OF BEING OVERWEIGHT        Being overweight isn't only hard on your mind and emotions it's also staggering on your health and raise health hazards substantially. Not only does it cause sadness, lack of energy, lack of zest for life, a low self image and mental issues it also causes disease in the body. Most people that are overweight don't realize just how dangerous it is and how life threatening it can be. You wouldn't walk across a busy freeway at will, you won't put your hand in a fire for the fun of it and you wouldn't drink a bottle if the poison sign was on it, so why would we as a society being so negligent about our weight? Being obese is just as dangerous as walking across a busy street without looking.   FAT RUNS MORE THAN JUST SKIN DEEP The trouble with belly fat is that is as though it’s its own entity.  It produces an over abundance of estrogen which alters hormone levels negatively and ca