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Being overweight isn't only hard on your mind and emotions it's also staggering on your health and raise health hazards substantially. Not only does it cause sadness, lack of energy, lack of zest for life, a low self image and mental issues it also causes disease in the body.

Most people that are overweight don't realize just how dangerous it is and how life threatening it can be. You wouldn't walk across a busy freeway at will, you won't put your hand in a fire for the fun of it and you wouldn't drink a bottle if the poison sign was on it, so why would we as a society being so negligent about our weight? Being obese is just as dangerous as walking across a busy street without looking.


The trouble with belly fat is that is as though it’s its own entity.  It produces an over abundance of estrogen which alters hormone levels negatively and causes muscle loss and emotional upsets.  The fat you see hanging over your belt runs deeper than you may realize it's not just limited to the extra layer of flab around your waistline it also engulfs deep within tissues and organs.  The fat that lies just below the skin is called subcutaneous fat; it’s unsightly and causes cellulite, the deeper fat which lies deep inside which is called visceral fat —surrounding and overcrowding your precious life giving organs which prevents optimal health and wellness.

Although subcutaneous fat is unsightly it isn’t as dangerous as visceral fat is. That's because an excessive amount of visceral fat come greater health concerns such as it produces an over abundance of hormones and other substances that raises blood pressure, alters good and bad cholesterol levels and stops the body's ability to use insulin correctly, which is called insulin resistance.  If you have a big belly then you are most likely insulin resistant—not good!


Body fat isn't only skin deep, the fat also collects around vital organs and tissues. Being obese is life threatening, being overweight causes:

  • Raises Cholesterol
  • Asthma
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Some Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Breast Cancer
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Emotional Issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Insulin Resistance
  •  Osteoarthritis
  •  Gallbladder Disease
  • Fatty Liver Disease
And that’s just to name a few health risks. Extend your life by loving you enough to take charge of your health.  Don't kid yourself if you're over weight, the size of your waist does matter!

Get moving today, throw out the poisons and toxins that are disguised as comfort foods or quick meals, they will only damage your health in the end.  Buy fresh fruits and veggies and learn to love them because that IS ultimately what your body craves.

Take control of your weight today, do it for you! Do it for your family, do it for your friends.  You will be a much happier and healthier person by doing so.

Carol Whitaker

Life Transformation Expert


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