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Showing posts with the label Self Improvement


LOVE WHO YOU ARE People are drawn to positive people. Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you. When you walk with confidence you will be admired from afar and by those you hold close to your heart. Love all that you are with all of your heart… After all, you were created to have a life filled with love, joy & abundance.  The larger part of you is spiritual, it's a power being within of pure positive energy and light.  When you love yourself fully you will connect with your higher-self, you will be able to shift your way of thinking from doubt to that of accomplishment and success.  Give yourself the gift of love.  Love everything about you.  Your body, your personality, your family, your home, your hobbies and your gifts.  You are tru


 How to Create Your Dreams with the  PO WER OF YOUR MIND Do you really want to change your life? Do you really want to be happier, healthier and more prosperous? If so, then I have good news for you... You can change your life simply by changing your thoughts, feelings and emotions.  It may sound too easy to be true, but it is. Think about your life so far, your life experiences now are a direct result of what your past thoughts were. Think about when you thought about most last week and see how it was created in your experience today. For instance, if you had feelings of feeling fat the you most likely craved unhealthy foods. 


~ FALLING OFF THE WAGON ~ THE POWER OF EMOTIONS     We all fall of the wagon of health and fitness now and again, it's a part of life.  When emotions become overwhelming it is very typical to reach for foods that will literally make us feel better by increasing our serotonin, such as sugar does, but yet, in the end leaves us feeling worse when we come crashing down from the sugar high.  Emotions are a gift to bless us to want to expand our awareness and enlightenment.  Without When you are upset know that it's just your higher-self letting you know that you are off track and that you need to redirect your thoughts or let go of limiting thoughts that have been keeping you stuck.


YOU CAN GET IN SHAPE! EMBRACE FITNESS Getting in shape is truly a gift that only you can give yourself.  It's the one of the greatest gifts of all!  Embracing a fit lifestyle is highly rewarding in all aspects of your life.   However, as you know fitness success doesn’t happen overnight.   It takes desire, motivation, commitment and determination on a daily basis to attain your fitness goals and dreams.   Though the thoughts of getting in shape may seem overwhelming it is attainable!


THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL Your habitual thoughts of the past have created your current reality. Our minds are extremely powerful! Our thoughts literally create the world around us.  ALL THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY All thoughts, good or bad, have an energy frequency. The energy frequency flows vastly from each of us and reaches those people, circumstances and events that are needed to manifest your thoughts into your reality. You literally attract everything into your life by your dominant thoughts and emotions. Choosing on a conscious level to choose your thoughts wisely is one of the most powerful lessons to learn while on this earth. Your thoughts literally create your life experiences. Your consistent thoughts create intense emotions & feelings which ultimately creates your life experiences.


KEYS TO HEALTH, WEALTH & HAPPINESS Success can be attained in all areas of your life.  In order to be successful you must Trust, Love & Believe in YOU!  Ponder why you want Success.  Begin by listing all the areas in your life in which you would like to improve. Set 3 short term goals in each area in which you can achieve within a 2 to 4 week period.  Create an action plan to accomplish your goals, focus & work on them each day. Then celebrate & reward yourself as each goal is achieved. Believe in your inner power and allow your magnificence to exude from within you. You literally have divinity within your being ~ you are a creator!   Embrace the gift of achieving success and you will surely reap the rewards of your efforts. Keys to Success… • Love & Trust in yourself, your spouse and your creator. • Eat whole foods & exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. • Dream Big! Set goals, create an action plan to attain your dreams then allow them to flow fre


“To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, THIS is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


EMBRACING YOUR MAGNIFICENCE My dear friend Amy Lindstrom and I are joining together to help woman all over the world embrace their True Essence of Magnificence. Amy is truly one of the most amazing women I know. Her love for others and her devotion to uplifting all around her truly is a gift from above.   Amy has an amazing life changing blog called Your Life Uncommon ( Join us each week as we inspire, motivate and teach how to live a happier, healthier way of life both on her blog as well as mine. If you feel inspired drop us a note, we would love to hear from You!


EMPOWER YOUR LIFE! Embrace life to the fullest by embracing You! Love yourself unconditionally & realize how magnificent you truly are! You can reach your goals & dreams if you believe in You! Be kind to yourself today; speak gently, think positively, love unconditionally & forgive freely. Respect your body by eating healthy foods & excising daily. Doing so you will transform your life in miraculous ways... ~Carol Whitaker To live a healthy, abundant life you need to love YOU unconditionally. Being true to you will bring you more love, joy & peace into all aspects of your life. Many people ask me how to live more passionately as well as how to truly love themselves completely. If you find that you always put yourself on the back burner, you'll become overwhelmed with life. You'll be more likely to turn to "comfort" foods more often and you'll be more tired and will have less than positive thoughts about your body images too. All of which


GOAL SETTING As many of you know I'm a firm believer of setting and accomplishing my goals. When I was a teenager I was diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever. I was on penicillin for 6 years which ultimately destroyed my immune system. Soon after I became very ill and was in bed for most of the day struggling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome . I wasn't as happy as I could have been, I didn't have the needed engery to raise my beautiful family as I should. I often look at life as a struggle because of my poor health.