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Showing posts with the label mind power


Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life It  doesn't  matter what area you want to improve life using mind power will sure change that which you desire. From having more loving relationships to making more money, your mind is your greatest tool of creation. It  deliberately  putting the Law of Attraction into action ~ like always attracts like.  By thinking on purpose with clarity and intention you will shift your dominate vibration to that of faith, confidence and belief. The mind is an extremely powerful instrument of creation; in fact, everything in life that is attainable begins with a thought first—including a hard body!  That’s because all thoughts are energy which goes out into the Universe and organizes matter which is then attracted back to you—in all areas of life.


FITNESS TIP OF THE DAY...   Everything has energy--EVERYTHING!  Your thoughts, feelings and emotions all have an energy frequency.  Happy, cheerful thoughts have high powerful high energy.  Sad, resentment, anger, contention all have a very low vibrational energy frequency.   Even food has energy.  Whole foods are high in energy while processed foods are basically dead energy foods.  You will naturally crave foods that match your emotional state of mind and energy you are radiating out which will attract like people, experiences and events into your life to validate that which you are thinking…  (If you would like to learn more about the energy of food visit this site, it will explain in further the energy in food is, ) Take a moment to contemplate how you feel right now… What is your body telling you?  What are you craving?  A high positive mindset will only crave healthy foods because it is a v


HOW TO BEGIN LIVING A FIT LIFESTYLE I'm often asked how I have stayed motivated after all these years. For me feeling fit and thin is what keeps me motivated day after day--I began my fitness journey over 20 years ago and I still love my LivFit Lifestyle. Staying motivated takes daily determination and dedication of which all begins with using the power of the mind.  Mind power is our greatest asset in reaching our goals.  I visualize my physique as though I already achieved my desired weight and size. I set goals and follow through and I stay positive even when life is frustrating or when I’m not feeling my best. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals begin by setting 5 short term goals that touches base on all areas of your life, have a goal for your body, mind, spirit, love/relationships and finances. Having a focused mindset on your goals and dreams will create a beautiful pathway before you to more easily achieve your goals.   TAKE CONTROL OF Y


How to Think Positively Even When Life Isn't Going Your Way Did you know that it's easier to think negative thoughts than it is to think positive thoughts? That’s because the mind is always in survival mode.  And did you know that you are not your brain?  It is only a part of your body.  That is why you need to learn to master your mind to be able to master you life.   Taking note of negative situations signifies to the brain danger signs which validates the brain’s natural defense mechanism of survival.  Habitual negative thoughts of feelings soon become your belief which then becomes your dominate vibration. Let go of negativity , it does not serve you!  Being constantly negative only brings to you more to be negative about.  What you think about you literally bring about.   You can't even get out of bed without a perceived thought of doing so first.  Instead of looking for the negative focus on looking for the good in all that you do and with


Change Your Life with the Power of your Mind Did you know that it's easier to think negative thoughts than to think positive thoughts ? That is because the mind is always in protection mode. Seeing the negative shows danger signs which edifies the brain’s natural defense mechanism brought about by scared thoughts, which then leads’ to becoming your belief.  Let go of negativity instead focus on achievement and success. To become optimistic you must learn to love yourself fully and trust in God's ability to assist you as you choose to allow all good to come to you by following your heart.  Allow negativity to flow through you, not become stuck in you. Take your ideas of that which you want and write them down, then read your "future" daily with faith in your heart that all things are indeed attainable.  Ponder on what you want when you are in happy and at peace, this will enable you to connect with your high-self which will open the way to communic


THE ART OF ALLOWING The power of the Art of Allowing is truly an art, which requires having initiative, desire, faith, determination, motivation and dedication in believing and allowing that which you hope for to come to fruition.   The art of allowing begins in your mind, by using the power of your mind and being positive through your thoughts and desires.  What is your dominating desire?  What do you wan to manifest into your life right now, tomorrow, 2 years from now? You have the power to shift your thoughts and feelings to enable you to utilize your immense power within, to create the life of your dreams intentionally, by harnessing the power of your mind.   When you are in control of your thoughts you will be able to release limiting thoughts and emotions in your conscious and subconscious mind.   Your mind is your greatest tool of creation of which to call upon and embrace the laws of the universe.  You can master your life by mastering your mind.  Y


Embrace Your True Essence “The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” ~Bob Moawad Living Your Truth Living your truth means to live from your spirit, your true essence.  In order to live from your spirit you must balance and connect the body, mind and spirit to become whole and complete.    Having control of your mind is one of the most empowering things you can do, it will literally shift your vibration to a higher energy frequency which will give you more hope, will-power and determination to dream and believe in your accomplishing that which you wish for.   This in turn will enable you to attract that which is needed to fully accomplish your goals and dreams, step by step, in all areas of your life.


THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL Your habitual thoughts of the past have created your current reality. Our minds are extremely powerful! Our thoughts literally create the world around us.  ALL THOUGHTS ARE ENERGY All thoughts, good or bad, have an energy frequency. The energy frequency flows vastly from each of us and reaches those people, circumstances and events that are needed to manifest your thoughts into your reality. You literally attract everything into your life by your dominant thoughts and emotions. Choosing on a conscious level to choose your thoughts wisely is one of the most powerful lessons to learn while on this earth. Your thoughts literally create your life experiences. Your consistent thoughts create intense emotions & feelings which ultimately creates your life experiences.