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Showing posts with the label Fitness

Protein Rich Alternative Foods for Bodybuilding

Protein Rich Alternative Foods for Bodybuilding Guest Post By: James McDuffy Contrary to what most people think, proteins don’t necessarily have to come from red meats and chicken. After all, it’s not unusual to find bodybuilders that are vegetarians, who rely completely on non-meat sources for their protein requirements. In my opinion, there’s a certain type of wisdom behind this practice. For instance: 1.        Not as expensive as meats 2.        Contain fewer calories 3.        Kinder to the environment It’s just as easy to get protein without having to resort to meat . Recently I overheard a conversation at my gym where two guys were discussing whether becoming a vegetarian would affect the muscle building process. One thing that caught my attention immediately was when one of the guys probed whether non-meat protein sources offered “complete proteins”. Around a fortnight prior to that, I read a long article discussing “complete proteins”. For those

5 Things Nobody Tells You about Successful Weight Loss

5 Things Nobody Tells You about Successful Weight Loss Guest Post By: Evelyn Kail With the fitness craze catching up, everyone wants to lose weight and stay fit. There are diets like vegan, vegetarian, and Weight Watchers that people follow with regular workouts. So finally they either reach their ideal weight or tone up. Most of the articles on the web tell that losing weight will reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. You fail to notice that they tend to focus on the obvious. People fail to mention the good and the bad things associated with weight loss. If you are looking for a resource, then Garage Gym Planner has a lot of article about fitness and general health.

5 Tips to Get Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals

 5 Tips to Get  Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."  ~Lou Holtz Getting back on track with your fitness and weight loss goals after a festive holiday of overeating with family and friends can be overwhelming. If you tend to eat too much, no worries, you can regroup and shed any extra water weight gained in just a few days. Typically at social gatherings, there are plenty of high-calorie foods and desserts to tempt and tantalize your taste buds. Often self-discipline seems to go out the window the moment you step through the door.

Whey Protein Power

Whey Protein Power Are you getting the results you want after hours and energy you put forth in the gym? If you're working out and not getting the results you want then it's time to reconsider your diet. You may be lacking the macronutrients of protein--which are the building blocks of sculpting lean muscle mass.  Protein needs to be a staple in any fitness enthusiasts diet with each meal and snack they eat. There are several sources of protein but not all are created equal in biological value (BV) which enables the protein to broken down and used well in the body. The top of the list of best protein to have to build lean, sexy muscles is whey protein. 


GET MOTIVATED! Living my LivFit Lifestyle  doesn't  happen overnight it takes motivation, dedication and determination to follow through with your goals; unfortunately, too many people lack the motivation needed to commit to starting or staying on track with a fitness routine day after day.  It takes time, you don’t have to train long and hard each day, you can start off slow.  If you start off too fast you'll feel exhausted and may lose the desire to stay on track. Starting is half the battle; you can begin by walking briskly for 20 minutes 5 days a week or jogging on a treadmill for 15 to 20 minutes 4 to 5 days a week.  In time you find that you will have more energy and will want to exercise longer than you did the day or week before. It all comes down to loving yourself enough to want to improve your quality of life. 


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY ARMS There's nothing sexier or more impressive than having toned, sculpted arms. It's not only attractive but it's empowering to have strong arms.  You can do so much more when you're stronger and in shape.  The only way to achieve a fit physique is to through commitment to living a fit lifestyle.  Exercising 5 to 6 days a week is critical to accomplish your fitness dreams.  By doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio each morning, weight lifting and eating a clean diet you can transform your physique.  Anyone can achieve their fitness goals and dreams - including YOU!

Create Buns & Legs of Steal at Home

Create Buns & Legs Of Steal at Home With swimsuit season just around the corner it’s time to crank it up a notch or two in the gym to sculpt lean, sexy hamstrings, glutes, calves & quads by summer. Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every ounce of energy you use. To get results it takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results of looking in shape in a swimsuit. Who wants to jiggle as the walk along the pool, I sure don’t! J


How to Get Out of a Funk to Get Motivated Getting in shape takes desire for change, belief in yourself, motivation to get started, and determination to reach your goals, it takes perseverance and a positive mental attitude to achieve success.   I’m often asked how I stay motivated after all these years... I have been a fitness enthusiast for nearly 25 years.  Staying motivated takes fortitude and dedication to working towards my goals every day.  I visualize how I want to be as though I've already achieved it.   I stay optimistic and see the good in everyone & everything that I do.  I love myself unconditionally and give to others daily, this enables me to balance my body, mind & spirit daily, which keeps me on track and in line with that which I desire to accomplish in all areas of my life.


CAROL'S GET RIPPED IN 90 DAYS  WORKOUT ROUTINE Are YOU ready to take control of your life one and for all? Would you like to lose 10 pounds by Christmas? Then you've come to the right blog!  :) Congratulations on following your heart as it guided you to my site as the path of synchronicity played an active role in your pursuit of living a happier, healthier more abundant way of life. By doing so you are proclaiming your desires to the universe in wanting a better way of life to enable you to create the body & life of your dreams. Isn't that exciting!   


HOW TO SCULPT SEXY SIX PACK ABS Training abs is essential for a sexy midsection.  There are several workouts that work fast, your body is your best source of resistance, you don’t need any fancy equipment to get cut abs.  It all comes down to training faithfully at least 5 days a week and eating a clean diet.  If you train hard then do yourself a favor and eat a diet rich in protein, fresh veggies, fruits and good fats so you will be able to see your hard work pay off when you look in the mirror.


BEST BODYBUILDING SUPPLEMENTS Attaining a great body that’s lean, strong and healthy is no easy task but is definitely achievable.  Living a fit lifestyle is the key to achieving your dream of having a lean physique.  When you are in control of your body you are in control of your life.  Living a fit lifestyle will not only improve your physique but your mind and spirit as well, enabling you to strive for bigger goals to create the life & body of your dreams. Having a fit body is a combination of genetics, good nutrition and regular strength training and cardio.  There is no question about it, if you want a fabulous body then you have to live a fit lifestyle it faithfully! 


HOW TO GET MOTIVATED TO EXERCISE Staying motivated is the key to achieving your fitness goals.  It's easy to say you want to get in shape but often somewhat difficult to get motivated to follow through with your desire to  exercise  on a regular basis. When you begin to fully embrace living a healthy lifestyle by beginning slowly you will soon begin to become more focused on your desired outcome. By being laser focused on your goals and by choosing to exercise daily, whether it’s working out in a gym, going for a  jog, swimming, riding your bike or even taking your dog out for a walk, you will not only become stronger physically, but you will mentally and spiritually as well. By having a daily exercise routine in your life you will be able to go with the flow of life easier by staying motivated and committed to excellence. Below are my 10 Tips to Stay Motivated day after day.     10 TIPS TO STAY MOTIVATED 1.    MAKE YOUR WORKOUTS A HIGH PRI


HOW TO BEGIN LIVING A FIT LIFESTYLE I'm often asked how I have stayed motivated after all these years. For me feeling fit and thin is what keeps me motivated day after day--I began my fitness journey over 20 years ago and I still love my LivFit Lifestyle. Staying motivated takes daily determination and dedication of which all begins with using the power of the mind.  Mind power is our greatest asset in reaching our goals.  I visualize my physique as though I already achieved my desired weight and size. I set goals and follow through and I stay positive even when life is frustrating or when I’m not feeling my best. To be successful in achieving your weight loss goals begin by setting 5 short term goals that touches base on all areas of your life, have a goal for your body, mind, spirit, love/relationships and finances. Having a focused mindset on your goals and dreams will create a beautiful pathway before you to more easily achieve your goals.   TAKE CONTROL OF Y


8 TIPS TO LIVING A FIT LIFESTYLE  Beginning a fitness endeavor may seem daunting at first, there's so much to learn and a lot of effort is required to reach success.  It doesn't have to be overwhelming, it simply takes committing to living healthier each new day.  Living a healthier, happier life is the result of putting YOU FIRST in your life.  How can you fully care for your loved ones if you constantly put yourself on the back burner?  By ignoring you you’ll find that your soul’s desire for self-love & affection will become emotional  hunger which will spark cravings fort junk food, aka "comfort foods" to fulfill your emotional needs that have not been met by YOU! And in the end the foods you turned to are not comforting at all… eating foods high in fat, sugar & sodium ultimately ends in sadness, weight gain & frustrations.


"I CAN" ACHIEVE FITNESS SUCCESS!   YOU CAN ACHIEVE YOUR FITNESS GOALS & DREAMS You can achieve fitness success!  Anyone can, including YOU! Believe in your innate ability to being able to master your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  When you believe in YOU fully, you have nowhere to go but up!   Let go of negative, limiting thoughts that life is unfair, hard, and that you're not good enough to have a fit, lean physique.  You were created to be a fit, lean, sexy machine!  It doesn't matter what your past has been.  You can take control of your life now by living in the present and having an attitude of thankfulness and appreciation.  You were not created to be over weight, sad, lethargic, depressed or unhappy... You were created to live life to the fullest  joyfully by embracing all that you are to enable you to achieve your goals and dreams now! 


SEXY SIX PACK ABS BY SUMMER Who doesn’t want a noticeable six pack?  After all, we all have it, it’s just a matter of uncovering our beloved treasure.  Having a tight midsection is more than just sexy and attractive it’s a much healthier way to be.  When you are covered with a thick layer of fat around your midsection it will affect your health in several ways.  Diabetes II could be on the horizon, you could become insulin resistant, you will be sluggish and fatigued more, it interferes with sleeping patterns and you will be more apt to want to be more stationary rather than be active. 


TRANSFORM YOUR BODY BY BELIEVING IN YOU! “Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.”  ~ Napoleon Hill Body transformation is an attainable goal for anyone who has the desire and determination to improve their quality of life.  Making the commitment to transform your physique can seem overwhelming for many people, they often think about what it takes to get in shape and feel it’s just too much for them to comprehend; resulting in giving up before they even get started. 


BURN FAT NOW! If weight loss is your main fitness goal, cardiovascular training is essential to accomplish your fitness dreams. Doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach will burn your fat stores for energy since your glucose in the blood (blood sugar level) is extremely low from fasting during sleeping hours, so your body will turn to its own stored energy to fuel your muscles during tough workouts, that’s the goal!


How to Have Portion Control on a Daily Basis Portion control is essential to master for a health and wellness. I'm often asked what to eat to lose weight and build muscle, my answer is always the same, to eat a small balanced meal every three hours to jump start the metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. Eating a small meal is just that - smaller portions. Often time's people go all day snacking without eating a nutritious meal consisting of lean protein, complex carbohydrate and veggies. By the end of the day when they get home from work they're ravenous and end up eating the entire pantry filled with sugars, preservatives and sodium.  Before they know it an hour of overindulging goes by then soon after painful bloating and indigestion kicks in. The body can only utilize and digest a certain amount of calories in one meal which is between 300 - 500 calories (depending on size and mass) then stores the rest as unwanted fat!


Thank you David Haas for sharing your passion and gift of helping cancer patients improve their quality of life.   I appreciate your contribution to my blog. ~Carol Whitaker Fitness Recommendations for Cancer Patients The National Cancer Institute provides a Factsheet on Physical Activity and Cancer. This resource defines the term physical activity as "any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles". It discusses the known relationship between physical activity and certain specific cancers for which this relationship has been previously studied, such as breast, colon, and uterine cancers, and indicates that there are ongoing additional studies regarding the relationship between fitness and cancer. In short, physical fitness is all to the good and generally reduces the risk of getting cancer, reduces risk of a recurrence once it is in remission, and improves quality of life for cancer patients who are still undergoing treatment.