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Staying motivated is the key to achieving your fitness goals.  It's easy to say you want to get in shape but often somewhat difficult to get motivated to follow through with your desire to exercise on a regular basis.

When you begin to fully embrace living a healthy lifestyle by beginning slowly you will soon begin to become more focused on your desired outcome.

By being laser focused on your goals and by choosing to exercise daily, whether it’s working out in a gym, going for a  jog, swimming, riding your bike or even taking your dog out for a walk, you will not only become stronger physically, but you will mentally and spiritually as well.

By having a daily exercise routine in your life you will be able to go with the flow of life easier by staying motivated and committed to excellence.

Below are my 10 Tips to Stay Motivated day after day.   



Set out your workout clothes the night before and get dressed first thing in the morning. Set time aside each morning for at least 30 to 45 minutes to exercise.


Choose a gym close to home, if the gym is convenient you will be more likely to follow through with your fitness goals.  However, you do not need a fancy gym membership to workout you can create your own gym in the comfort of your home. 

All you need are dumbbells, a bench and a mirror and you have your very own gym! Here is my home gym video showing and explaining all you need to create an awesome home gym on any budget.


It’s been proven time and time again that goal keeping is highly beneficial to accomplishing goals.  If you really want to get in shape then take the time to contemplate precisely what you want to accomplish. 

Write down 5 short term goals along with 3 to 5 long term goals. Make sure you believe that you actually can and will be able to accomplish them. 

If you create too large of goals in the beginning your subconscious mind will not believe your dream and your limiting believes of  “I can’t” will be your dominate vibration.  Your goals must be believing to you.

Create your own map to success by writing down your goals and then reading them daily morning and night.  Write in the present moment and be specific such as, "I will lift weights 3 times a week." or "I will eat a small healthy meal every 3 hours."


I always say "Believe in your dreams. Dreams really do come true!" If it’s your dream to be fit and thin then BELIEVE YOU CAN BE! Our minds are very powerful, thoughts becomes things. So believe in yourself that you have already accomplished your weight loss goal! :)

Everything we do begins with a perceived thought so if your dominate thoughts are negative then how can you come to fully believe in yourself?  You can’t!  Begin to love yourself by speaking kindly of your body and of your life. 

You already have everything you need within to accomplish anything you set you mind to, it’s just a matter of coming to know your authentic self to allow yourself to finally let go of the past and embrace a wonderful future.

Tell yourself how magnificent you are each and every day.  When you see a reflection of yourself tell yourself “I love you!”.


YOU are powerful!  But you are only in your power when you are in a positive mindset.  Have an attitude of gratitude by looking for the best in you as well as in others.  See what you long to have in your life.  If you want to be happier and fit then look for the goodness in life and stay active. 

Be grateful for everything in your life. Especially your body as it is now. The more you are grateful the more you'll have to be grateful for!


Journal keeping is imperative for added motivation to achieve great success. .  You don’t need a fancy fitness log book any spiral notebook will do.  

Being accountable for everything you eat & drink will help you immensely. Be honest and write down everything you eat & you'll begin to think twice about what you eat. Be sure to eat every 3 hours to jump start your metabolism!

Writing down your workouts in advance plays a powerful role in creating your dream body.  What you think about you bring about.  By focusing in advance of what you plan to accomplish the following day will greatly support your efforts mentally

Logging your fitness goals and your actual workouts will assist you in knowing what works and what didn’t work as you continue along your fitness journey.  Logging your success is an awesome tool that every fitness enthusiast benefits by.


Using the buddy system is an advantage for weight loss success.  Tell all of your family and friends of your goals to create a support group everywhere you go; however, only share your goals and dreams with those that believe in you. Stay away from negative energy sucking people they will only zap you of your desire to achieve your heart’s desires.

You can also include your family and friends to join your endeavors of living a fit life.  Exercise with a friend to make staying active more fun. Surround yourself with people that believe in you.


Hire a fitness guru to help you learn how to properly eat and exercise. Being accountable to someone who you look up to will skyrocket you to success.  Be sure to hire someone you look up to.  Hire someone who walks there talk and who is positive and uplifting. 

Choose someone that makes you feel better about yourself after a coaching session.  If you feel less of a person then how on earth will you accomplish your dreams?  You won’t! 

So be selective and interview them before you hire them, listen to your heart as you do it always knows what and who is needed to assist you in making your fitness goals and your dreams your reality.


Sleep is highly important to achieving a long, lean, fit body. Your body repairs and builds muscle during sleep. Try to get to bed before 10:30 pm each evening so your body can fully recover properly.

When you’re sleep deprived it raises cortisol levels which create cravings for junk food and carbs in addition to added belly fat.  Be sure to get plenty of quality sleep each night so you will have the needed energy and mental focus to stay on track.


Start your fitness plan today then follow through with your goals, journals, and exercise routine. Set a timeline and when you reach that goal reward yourself. Get a pedicure, see a movie you've always wanted to see, or read a good book. As you continue to do so, you'll find tat your new life is just that a new lifestyle.

10.                VISUALIZE SUCCESS

Staying motivated is a mindset, use the power of your in to aid in your success. Visualize your dream body each night before bed and arise giving thanks for your beautiful physique that is transform a bit each new day.

Believe in yourself by loving all that you are now.  Look at your new fitness routine as a treasured gift that only you can give.  The more you stay focused on what you want the sooner it will appear.

Having a positive mindset and staying in an attitude of gratitude will open doors that weren't open before. It's amazing how a little mind adjustment can change our lives in miraculous ways!

Believe in your arabilities ~ you can stay motivated day in and day out until living a fit lifestyle is just that, a lifestyle! 

With love,

Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Coach 
Life Transformation Expert


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