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5 Tips to Get Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals

 5 Tips to Get Back on Track with Your Fitness Goals
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."  ~Lou Holtz

Getting back on track with your fitness and weight loss goals after a festive holiday of overeating with family and friends can be overwhelming. If you tend to eat too much, no worries, you can regroup and shed any extra water weight gained in just a few days.

Typically at social gatherings, there are plenty of high-calorie foods and desserts to tempt and tantalize your taste buds. Often self-discipline seems to go out the window the moment you step through the door.
If you overindulged over the Easter weekend, you're in luck, I have some simple tips to help you get motivated once again to stay on track with your fitness goals. 

Don't beat yourself up if you had a second serving of dessert or ate too much candy. There's nothing wrong with enjoying treats now and again; in fact, it’s good for the body and mind to have a high-calorie meal now and again after weeks of eating clean.

Unfortunately, many people have negative self-talk in the aftermath of overeating and convince themselves that they've already ruined their diet and end up self-sabotaging their efforts in the gym for days to come. 
Then, before they know it, they begin to mindlessly eat junk food and lack the desire to continue to exercise, which ultimately causes more weight gain and emotional frustrations.

If you get discouraged after overindulging below are 5 simple tips to help you get psyched to workout and eat clean once again.  

5 Fitness Motivational Tips

1. Get back in the gym! It’s easy to let the day after a holiday weekend be a day of rest
after waking up feeling the “after effects” of having too many calories the day before. But, if you do, it's far too easy to continue to overeat and fall back into the "I don't care what I eat" attitude. Your body needs you to work out to get it back on track with your fitness goals, and to burn extra calories and shed any water weight gained over the weekend. 

2. Write what you’re going to do. Write down a game plan of how you plan to get back on the "zone". When creating a plan of action, write in the present tense as though you have already accomplished them, i.e. "I workout at 7 am each morning." “I weight my ideal body weight.” “I love to work out!” “I crave healthy food.” This will imprint in your mind and create visual aids of how you will achieve your goals, which will then spur you to take action to accomplish your goals until achieved.

3. Visualize your success. Each morning and night focus and visualize exactly how you

want to be—be sure to use all 5 senses. To help you visualize clearly of your desired end result, post a photo of what you want your physique to look like. Place it where you can see it daily, visualize your body looking the same, doing so is a powerful visual aid that will imprint in your subconscious mind. It will give your mind a clear vision of how you will be, which will motivate you to do what is necessary to accomplish what you envision.

4. Be prepared - know when, where and how. Know when you’re going to work out and where. Write down what you will do, where you will do it, and how you will execute your  fitness plans.
Write down your meals and workout plans for a week, and then follow through! Then, each day, write down next to your action plan what you really did. This is an excellent tool to keep you  on track and accountable for your actions and the food you eat. Keep in mind if you fail to plan you plan to fail. So, plan for success!

5. Keep a gratitude journal. Log your progress, keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three aspects of your journey you appreciated and were grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal will aid you in reprogramming your subconscious mind to look for the good in yourself and in the world. Gratitude is an essential key to having success--in all areas of your life--including transforming your body. Having an attitude of gratitude is highly empowering, the more gratitude you have, the more you will have to be grateful for. 

If you do the above faithfully, you will be able to shed any extra weight gained after Easter, and, you will be able to achieve your fitness goals sooner than you may think.  
Carol Whitaker


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