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My dear friend Amy Lindstrom and I are joining together to help woman all over the world embrace their True Essence of Magnificence. Amy is truly one of the most amazing women I know. Her love for others and her devotion to uplifting all around her truly is a gift from above.

 Amy has an amazing life changing blog called Your Life Uncommon ( Join us each week as we inspire, motivate and teach how to live a happier, healthier way of life both on her blog as well as mine. If you feel inspired drop us a note, we would love to hear from You!


This time of year is filled with thoughts of our loved ones as Valentine ’s Day approaches. It’s a time for giving of our love and attention to those we hold most dear to our hearts. But how many of us give the ultimate Valentine’s Gift to ourselves ~ the gift of Pure Love.

I’m often asked how to live a happier, healthier way of life. My heart is always touched by the heartfelt email messages which I receive asking for my help. I’m always moved by the stories I read, my heart goes out to those that are suffering in silence over experiences that happened to them which has ultimately lowered their self esteem and love for themselves.


Living a Happy, Fit Lifestyle absolutely begins from within. Learning to love you as you are right Now is truly a gift that only you can give yourself. After all you are divinity. You are a Child of God filled with Heavenly Father’s love & light. We often forget how magnificent we truly are. We let the world cloud our spiritual eyes and allow the pure light within us dim so that only a flicker of light resides within us.

Too many women care for their family and loved ones only to forget to take time to care about themselves. If you don’t care about you “first” then how will you be able to care for others fully? You can’t… If you’re too tired to exercise each day then how will you have the energy to spend quality time with your family and loved ones? You won’t…

Discovering who you really are and allowing your heart to embrace everything about you takes time. You must believe how special you are and that You are worth it! You are spectacular! YOU are the most important person on earth!


Too many incredible women don’t love themselves. They look in the mirror and make derogatory statements that only hurts their body, mind and spirit; they don’t feel worthy of their own love. Many turn to “comfort” foods to hide, mask or numb their emotions and feelings, at the time it eases the pain or loneliness for a moment only to cause emotional frustrations of self sabotage in the end.


Your thoughts and feelings are your body’s indicators of how to be. If you are having horrible feelings of dislikes about your body then your body will ultimately give you more of what your heart is feeling. You literally are a spiritual being – you are a Child of God! This means that you are a creator. You create your life in all areas from health to prosperity your thoughts manifests in the world around you.

Your thoughts bring into being your reality as well as your body’s wellness. If you often have harsh thoughts about your body image then you’re most likely over weight and tired all the time. How can your precious body be anything but broken with habitual negative self talk? It can’t. But on the other hand, if you think and feel loving thoughts about your miraculous body daily then what do you think will happen? Your amazing body will begin to repair and heal itself which will then have the effect of more energy to fulfill your heart’s desire.

Your body reflects your inner feelings. How do you feel? Are you full of life or struggling to survive? Loving yourself unconditionally begins by taking time each day to love everything about you!


Begin to take control of your life today. Letting go of limiting emotions and beliefs will free you from having negative feelings.

Begin by writing down all of the experiences that have brought you pain including your body image, health, family, associates & friends. Then one by one forgive each one as well as yourself. Tell yourself that each experience was to make you stronger; they were life's lessons to help you become all that you are today. Then rip it up & throw it away - this is a form of emotional release.

Then replace those limiting thoughts and beliefs by writing down ALL of the glorious gifts in your life as well as all your beautiful body does for you each day! Give gratitude to Heavenly Father for all that you are. Thank your body for all the miraculous things it does daily; love it, speak kind words to it and see it as you want it to be as though you’ve already accomplished your fitness goals and dreams.

By releasing you'll soon find that you are happier than usual, life will seem more pleasant and filled with wonderful experiences. You'll begin to see the good in all that you are and in everyone around you.


It all comes down to taking the time to truly care and love you! Life is meant to be joyful & abundant in all areas. Practice being positive and loving everything about you daily, then at night write in a gratitude journal, write down 5 things that you were grateful for that day.

Within time you will come to understand just how glorious you truly are. You are worth your time, efforts and love. Decide today to embrace all that you are and will be. You can achieve your hearts desires by loving, believing and edifying all that you are.

Believe in You! You truly are the most important person on earth! Make this Valentine's Day one to remember by loving yourself completely.

Until next time... Liv Fit, Train Hard & Liv Happy!

~Carol Whitaker


Brian and Kayla said…
I am Amy's little sister and I am SO excited about this! Thank you so much! I just had a baby three months ago and could use all the fitness advice I can get!

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