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The Importance of Taking Care of Your Nerves at Any Age

The Importance of Taking Care of  Your Nerves at Any Age

Many people neglect the health of their nervous systems, especially if they feel perfectly okay. For most individuals, the lack of illness symptoms is the same as being healthy. But, that is far from the truth. Good health includes your emotional, physical and, social well-being, and these are greatly affected by the nervous system.

This system is important in ensuring that the functions of the body are carried out normally. For example, it allows blood to flow naturally and also helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels. In addition, the nervous system helps in maintaining the normal breathing pattern. People with conditions such as diabetes, migraines, and asthma have disorders in their nervous systems.

The drugs prescribed to patients with such conditions are meant to correct the functioning of the nervous system as a way of bringing about relief.

Besides helping with the normal body functions, the nervous system is also important in matters to do with pain. When you step on something hot, your nerves will pick up the pain and send the signal to your brain, therefore, allowing you to evade injury. If your nerves pick up chronic pain, you can ease the discomfort by using pain killers or anesthesia. In serious cases, people have to undergo surgery.

Stress and the Nervous System

Many diseases are rooted in stress and emotional tension. Both of these are directly linked to the nervous system. Usually, diseases caused by stress affect older people. Children are affected in rare cases. Still, it is important to learn how to manage stress at all ages as this will improve your general well-being. Tension and stress usually lead to lifestyle conditions such as heart problems, asthma, diabetes, obesity, depression, Alzheimer's disease, and migraines.

These result from a disorder in the functioning of the nervous system. The system ends up being incapable of handling the normal functions of the body such as circulation and digestion.

      Heart Disease
Stress leads to a direct increase in heart rate and blood flow as the nerves are not able to control your body functions properly. This leads to the release of triglycerides and cholesterol into the blood stream, and this is what causes heart diseases. In the same vein, stress increases the chances of engaging in unhealthy habits such as smoking and overeating, therefore, causing obesity. These are directly related to heart diseases. Also, sudden changes in the nervous system have been noted to cause heart attacks and other serious cardiac issues. For people who already have heart diseases, stress is likely to worsen the conditions.

In the case of asthma, stress has been discovered to make the condition more severe. Even worse, high levels of stress lead to the development of asthma in a mother's unborn children. The risk of developing asthma in kids is much higher for women who smoke when pregnant. Poor management of the nervous system is, therefore, a major risk factor for asthma in both mothers and their unborn babies.

      Belly Fat
High levels of stress also raise the levels of the hormone cortisol, and this makes people deposit fat in the abdomen. According to researchers, the fat deposited in the belly poses a greater health risk compared to fat stored in other areas.

Diabetes is another problem that is both caused and worsened by disorders in the nervous system. Stress directly raises the blood glucose levels, especially in people with type 2 diabetes. In addition, it increases the probability of excessively drinking of alcohol and eating unhealthy foods. Both of these will eventually cause diabetes.

Because of poor circulation of blood, stress will also cause headaches. Very high-stress levels can even cause migraines.

Stress is closely related to anxiety, and both of these are also linked to depression. According to some studies, people who had stress in their professional lives have an 80 percent greater chance of getting depressed, which is in comparison to people with healthy nervous systems.

      Gastrointestinal Problems
Although stress does not lead to the development of stomach ulcers, it plays a great role in worsening the condition. Beyond that, it aggravates a host of other gastrointestinal ailments. These include chronic heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The latter condition is most common in women and its exact cause is currently unknown. Some of the treatments recommended by doctors include lifestyle and diet changes. Many patients who have stress will find it hard to implement these treatment options. Stress has also been noted to accelerate aging.

To reduce your chances of getting these diseases, you will need to manage your stress. Besides improving your physical health, managing your stress and emotional state will make you happier.

How Can You Take Care of Your Nerves?

Nervous tension results in physical symptoms. Usually, patients breathe faster and experience higher pulse levels. Hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol are also released into the blood stream. Also, stress causes the blood vessels to constrict, making the heart work harder to pump blood around the body. To reduce the severity of these symptoms, you can try these simple exercises:

This can be done in several ways. One common meditation technique involves concentrating on your breathing pattern or repeating a phrase. You can also focus on a source of light or a repetitive song. The point of the exercise is to improve your concentration. Over time, you should increase the duration of the exercise.

      Engage in Activities you enjoy
You should always set aside time to engage in a hobby or any activity you find relaxing. You can get involved in a sport or even visiting children's homes.

      Express your Emotions
It is important to find healthy ways to express your emotions and aggressions. You should laugh, cry, engage in aggressive sports, or simply talk to someone about your problems.


Nerves are very important in the body since they control many functions. Long-term tension in the nerves can lead to serious lifestyle diseases, most of which are life-threatening. Usually, this is because of the effects of stress on processes such as breathing, blood vessel contraction and relaxation, and circulation. It is, therefore, important to take care of your nerves at all ages.

About the Guest Author:

Lucy Miller is a nutrition student, marathon runner, and a passionate writer for Mind Your Zen, a brain nutrition supplement brand. She contributes on a number of blog sharing useful health tips from her research as a nutrition student. She can be reached at


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