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Powerful quotes of the day by Norman Vincent Peale ~

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy."

"The mind, ever the willing servant, will respond to boldness, for boldness, in effect, is a command to deliver mental resources."

"If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal."

To be able to fully create the life and body of your dreams you must learn how to believe in the power that ignites your life with love, joy, health and abundance.  

You already have everything needed within you to manifest your heart's desires to the fullest!  That power is dine in nature, it is your spirit ~ your higher self.

When you think about you what are the fist thoughts that come to mind? Do you believe in the divinity that is within you?  Do you believe that you are love and cared for at all times by the Heavenly Powers above? 

You are a infinite being of pure energy and light.  You never walk alone, the larger part of you is spirit; therefore, you can be guided always if you live through your spirit ~ your true essence.  

By learning to live through your higher self you will balance your body, mind and spirit.  You will have unconditional love for you and others.  Your willpower will increase substantially.  Your body will become healthier and you will be able to accomplish your fitness goals with less effort.


Learning to control your thoughts is the first step to living your truth to transform your life.  Thoughts always become things in one form or another.  

If you long for mire loving relationship, inner peace and prosperity the you must learn to be the Master of your mind.

By thinking carefully before you speak in an adverse situation is the doorway to peace or to the opposite door to misery and contention, in addition to thinking positively or negatively throughout the day.

By choosing to have optimistic thoughts and feelings you will have inner peace, better health and more abundance in all areas of your life.

Being the master of your mind is liberating!  It will free you from limiting thoughts that no longer serve you.  Your body is very smart; it manifests your inner thoughts into your reality.  

Take a moment to ponder how you feel... How do you feel about your body image?  How is your health?  What is your inner dialog?  Are your thoughts positive or are they self-sabotaging?

Choosing on a conscious level to be grateful for your body, life and relationships will profoundly have an affirmative effect on the world around you.  

Learning to be the master of your mind takes time, perseverance and commitment.  If practiced daily over time it will become natural to see a glass as “half full” rather than “half empty”.

Meditation is an excellent way to learn to control your mind.  Each day take time to meditate.  Concentrate on your dreams in the present tense and see yourself as you wish to be.  

When negative thoughts enter your mind, let them go, then replace them with happy thoughts that bring you joy. 

By living your truth you will be able to create the body and life of your dreams.  Believe in your magnificence.  Allow all good to come to you as you radiate your beautiful light from within.

Have a magical day creating and living the life of your dreams.

With love,

Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Coach 


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