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How to Sculpt Sexy Legs and a Tight Tush

How to Sculpt Sexy Legs and a Tight Tush

Doing lower body training is tough but highly worth every bit of energy used to blast through a tough lower body workout. To get lean legs and behind takes motivation, dedication and determination to achieve the results you desire. 

Who wants to jiggle in their swimsuit as they walk along the beach or pool, I sure don’t!
For starters, plan on training Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to get your legs and glutes in shape faster, you can alternate lower body training days each new week as well if you'd like. 
Working legs take a lot of energy to push through a good, hard workout, the energy used is that of your brown fat. When you dig deep for added strength while doing that last rep, your body will go for deep stored fat much like it does with doing HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Doing so burns more calories during and after you train.
Give it your all each time you do strength training, make your time in the gym count. To ensure you achieve your fitness goals, schedule your workouts in your itinerary Monday – Friday. If you fail to make the time to train often, you’ll fail to accomplish your fitness goals. Remember—time is emotion—if it’s important to you, you’ll make time for it!

Best Time to Exercise

I’ve been lifting for more than 20 years. I’ve had the best results exercising by waking up 
early and training first thing in the morning before I eat breakfast. Training on an empty stomach kicks in HGH (Human Growth Hormones), which supports muscle building, anti-aging and increase health and longevity.

I also take an L-Arginine supplement called Go Nitrimax along with BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids), which are the building blocks of lean muscle tissue. They’re my go-to supplements to get in shape fast and maintain my lean physique.
Train Like You Mean It!
If you commit to exercising, be sure to include strength training, and train like you mean it. As a master trainer, Tony Horton of P90X says, “Just do your best and forget the rest.” That’s precisely what I do each time I work out.
Below is a great lower body workout routine that I’ve had outstanding results with, it takes about 45 minutes to complete. If you do this routine regularly and eat a healthy, clean diet, you will have lean and sexy legs and tush before summer.
Fitness Tips
·        Be sure to warm up and stretch the muscles you'll be training be before and after lifting
weights. And always remember quality over quantity!  Be sure to exercise in a methodical manner.
·         Proper form is critical during strength training. Do not rush through the reputations—take it slow while lifting—and focus on the muscles being worked.
·         If you’re unsure how to perform an exercise, Google the exercise, there are tons of photos and how-to’s showing how to perform an exercise with proper form.

·         To warm up your muscles start lifting with medium weights for the first set and then stretch afterward. Then complete the routine using heavier dumbbells. Take mini 30-second water breaks when needed between sets to stretch a bit and rehydrate your body.
Please note: 5 x 15 signifies doing 5 sets and 15 signifies repetitions. This is a circuit training routine, rotate through each set until completed (complete each exercise once and repeat until you complete all 5 sets.)
Killer Legs & Glutes Strength Training Routine
·         5 x 15 - Deadlifts. (Hold a dumbbell in each, while keeping your back straight, lower the dumbbells down to your ankles with knees slightly bent and then stand in upright position and repeat.)
·         5 x 60 Second wall squats. (Lean against a wall with feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body into the chair position and hold for one minute.)
·         5 x 15 - Single leg lunges. (Take a giant step forward with one leg and back you’re your alternate leg. Do lunges standing in place with a dumbbell in each hand, alternate legs after each set.)
·         5 x 15 – Plie squats. (Place your legs far apart with your toes facing out. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of you between your legs as you squat down and back up for each set of reps.)
·         5 x 15 - Squats with calve raises. (Do a squat, followed by doing 15 calf raises.)
·         5 x 20 – Side lunges. (Place your hands on your hips and step out to one side as far as you can, then come back to standing position and do the alternate leg, alternate legs after each repetition.)  
·         5 x 30 Second chair squat. (Place your feet together, arms straight up above your head with hands straight and palms facing in, squat down into the chair position and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.)
·         5 – 30 Second Supermans. (Lie on the floor on your stomach with legs and arms lifted off the floor, keep them straight as you can, as though you were flying. Hold the position while keeping your toes pointed and your arms and legs elevated as high as you can with your face at shoulder height facing down.)
·         5 x 25 Calf raises. (Place feet shoulder width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand, go up on your toes slowly, hold for a moment and then lower slowly. Complete each set with your feet pointed out, straight and inward.  For the final set, go as fast as you can.)

Optional Evening Training

·         Cardio: 20 to 30 minutes of medium intensity (Before dinner.)
Feel the Burn!
Leg workouts are a whopper for sure, but are absolutely worth it! When lifting weights you need to feel the burn during the last 3 reps, if your muscles aren’t fatigued towards the end of your set, you’re using too light of weights. Training heavy is the only way to sculpt and transform your physique. If your muscles aren’t fatigued after training that means you’re not training hard enough.
Also, be sure to have your post-workout meal within 45 minutes of training. Your muscles will need to be replenished after your workout, especially if you train on an empty stomach. My favorite after training meal consists of ½ a grapefruit, 5 scrambled egg whites with one yolk, mixed with ½ a scoop of whey isolate protein powder.

Enjoy Your Fitness Journey!
I hope you’re now in the groove of living a LivFit Lifestyle!
Remember to eat a post-workout meal consisting of whey protein and carbs directly after
training. Make eating clean a high priority to ensure you get the results you want.

Be sure to eat every three to four hours throughout the day. Eat at least 20 to 30 grams of lean protein (with each meal and snack), a complex carb, veggies or a fruit and clean fat for your main three meals.
LIV Muscle Building Supplements
If you use LIV International products, drink two packets of Liv Sxinney daily, in addition to taking Go Nitrimax prior to your workout and again an hour before bed (two hours after dinner), and have two packets of Crave (fiber) to keep your metabolism in overdrive!
You can learn more about Liv Int’l products and order them on my LIV Online Store. If you would like to try the products, you can receive 20% Off by using the promo code, LIV PROMO CODE, at checkout. 
Have a blast working out your lower body and enjoy the empowering feeling of having sexy legs and a tight tush!
Happy training!

Carol Whitaker Xox


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