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TURBO-CHARGE YOUR FAT-BURNING MACHINE! Everyone I know hits a plateau every now and again, including me... Most everyone I know either fit, slim, over weight or feeling depressed needs a bit of a push to jump-start their fat-burning machine aka their metabolism. When I have a photo shoot coming up and I don't feel camera ready I have to get my body fat down fast! To reach my weight loss goals within two weeks, which is usually lowering my body fat 3 to 5% I have to mentally prepare my winning game plan first. My modeling weight loss secrets are actually not secrets at all... It all comes down to hard work in the gym, eating right and having a positive mental attitude. I begin by writing my short-term goals, making powerful success affirmations and creating a fitness plan to create rock hard abs and glutes - it all comes down to self mastery, willpower and discipline. POWERFUL FUEL YOUR BODY NEEDS Eating a healthy diet low in Glycemic Index always puts my metabolism in over-dr


SUCCESS IS UP TO YOU... Choose today to be successful in all areas of your life. Be all you can be by living your life on purpose! Have a definiteness of purpose is a must to accomplish any dream. Know what you want both in health & wealth. Have a burning desire to achieve your dreams then set a plan on how you will accomplish your dreams. Believe in your dreams, have a powerful desire to succeed and then allow your dreams to come true! You can have it all; living a fit lifestyle filled with joy, happiness & great abundance! The choice is yours... “Success is a mindset, a choice, a desire. Success comes to those willing to act upon their dreams, willing to sacrifice, willing to overcome objectives. Success is a journey not a destination. Decide now to embrace Your journey to success.” – Carol Whitaker "Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started no


GET HELP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Are You Stuck In Quicksand? Million of Americans struggle with health issues such as diabetes, depression and heart disease; most of which can be cured naturally by living a healthy lifestyle. Obesity kills! Why do so many people suffer when all they have to do is take charge of their health and thoughts. It's obviously not as easy as it sounds... Learning to manage stress, having a positive mental attitude and embracing daily exercise may seem daunting to some people; if you're one of these people don't dispair. Hiring a Fitness expert can literally save your life! Too many people have habitual negative self-talk that keeps them stuck in their own self-made quicksand. What they don't realize is that a safety rope is lying next to them, all they have to do is reach out and pull themselves out of their desperation and fears. Many need a more than a safety rope, the need someone with leadership and unconditional love to extend the rope t

Cigi - ForeverYoung.Org

ForeverYoung.Org Below is a link to Cigi's online interview with me of I wanted to personally thank her for asking me to do the interview, she is a delight & treasure. offers life changing articles and products. Below is a link to her site, I'm sure you will enjoy visiting it as I do... Have a fabulous holiday weekend everyone!


CAROL WHITAKER FITNESS INTERVIEW WITH CIGI I was asked to do an interview for an wellness sight. Cigi asked some great questions I want to share.... 1. How did you get started? What prompted you? I started my fitness career over 15 years ago. I struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome after years of antibiotics due to Rheumatic Fever in my youth. I wanted to be a strong, vibrant wife and mother so I started researching health and nutrition like crazy. I began exercising regularly, I soon realized that I felt healthier and my self-esteem improved as well – I felt empowered! From there I was hooked! My family was thrilled with my improved health & wellness. I was happier and had more patience; it was literally a divine gift in my life. I did all I could to learn and become the best I could be. I continue to strive each day to improve my physique, it’s fun & highly rewarding when I reach my goals & dreams. 2. How long have you been living this lifestyle? I’ve been living a heal


DESIRE, DETERMINATION & COMMITMENT "Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek." Mario Andretti Desire is the fuel to ignite your dreams. Determination is the power to reach for your goals. Commitment is the vessel to obtain excellence. Living the LivFit Lifestyle takes willpower and fortitude to succeed. By following my LivFit guidelines & workout routines you will literally transform your life. You’ll find that you not only have more energy, but you’ll also have more self-confidence, more patience and more abundance. I’m passionate about assisting other's in achieving their goals and dreams. I want to assist others in to becoming the best they can be. Connecting with the power from within will be life changing. You already have everything you need to succeed. We just forget how powerful we are as we let
WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS TIPS Summer is here which means swimsuit season! You don't need to feel shy at the pool if you take charge of your fitness goals today! Living the LivFit Lifestyle is a powerful gift that only you can give yourself! Exercising 30 to 60 minutes daily 4 to 6 times a week along with eating often will greatly improve your quality of life in miraculous ways! Proper nutrition is approximately 85% of the “hard body” equation. Choosing to eat 5 to 6 small balanced meals throughout the day will turbo-charge your metabolism – literally! A small meal consists of a lean protein (at least 20 to 30 grams), complex carb (15 to 20 grams), fresh veggies, good fats (1 to 2 T of an Omega 3-6-9 blend daily) and at least 80 oz of filtered water daily. By eating small meals you will boost your metabolism while building and maintaining lean, strong muscle tissue. Going without eating for hours on end will only build up your unwanted fat stores. Your metabolism is like a fire, it tak


START A FITNESS LIFESTYLE TODAY! How many times do you tell yourself that you're going to start exercising and eating better "today"? But then to find at the end of the day you didn't exactly make it through the day without a treat or two and didn't find time to exercise? Most people want to improve something about their health, whether it be weight loss, or to have more energy or to just feel better about their body. To many it seems overwhelming so they just keep putting it off... Stepping up to fitness doesn't have to be hard, strenuous or difficult. Here is a simple fitness quiz for women (men can do it too) that will give some light on your fitness knowledge. Set time aside each day for fitness, 30 minutes is all you need to begin to live a healthier life. You deserve to be happier, healthier & stronger. You'll not only feel empowered for taking care of YOU each day


To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's "Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Believe in yourself. Consider things from every angle. Don't give up and don't give in. Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come. Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches. Give more than you planned to.Hang on to your dreams. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Just do it. Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. Love yourself first and most. Make it happen. Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal. Open your eyes and see things as they really are. Practice makes perfect. Quitters never win and winners never quit. Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.Stop procrastinating. Take control of your own destiny. Understand yourself in order to better understand others. Visualize it. Want it more than anything. ‘Excellerate’ your efforts. You are unique of all Go


SUCCESS IS A MINDSET "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." Eddie Robinson Become your best by believing in YOU! Success is literally a mindset. YOU can have the body and life of your dreams, it's not difficult to accomplish; in fact, the recipe for success is quite simple... It all begins with your thoughts & feelings you hold in your heart each day. By believing in yourself and your divine creative powers that are within you, you can create the body and life of your dreams! But you have begin “within” first; holding resentment or having negative thoughts about yourself will only block that which you aret trying to create. Allow all good to come to you. Be a winner by believing in YOU! By living your truth your body, mind and spirit will be in harmony with your wills & desires. Live life on purpose! Follow your bliss & cherish everything about you. T


NAPOLEON HILL What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill Many know of the prosperity teachings of Napoleon Hill. He was a genius mastermind in learning the laws that govern great financial success. His wisdom and brilliant insights not only inspired people to successfully "Think and Grow Rich", but he also motivated millions across the globe throughout the years on how to improve one’s quality of life. I'm grateful for the gifts and lessons I've learned from his eloquent teachings. Living in an attitude of gratitude as well as maintaining a positive mental attitude YOU can achieve your goals and dreams. Give thanks throughout the day, take note of the many miracles that happen daily in your life, and embrace with love all the blessings that pour down upon you... Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas of your life. You can tell a persons habitual thoughts by his surroundings and the life he/she lives. Do yourself a favor and th


DREAM BIG DREAMS... I love to dream big dreams, my dreams keep my visions and affirmations alive. I dream about having a strong physique all day long. I dream about becoming an accomplished dressage rider, I dream about attracting amazing, like minded people that will inspire me to be a better person. I dream a lot, and when I do, I feel full of life. Years ago I dreamed of having a barn and horses in my back yard. I would constantly visualize them and saw myself riding and loving them. Then one day, the dream came true. I have the most amazing horses ever! I adore them and soon after my sweet husband built a beautiful barn for me... my dreams came true. Years ago when I was really ill with chronic fatigue I dreamed of having a fit, strong body so that I could be a healthier mother for our children. I started learning all I could and began to exercise and eat healthier. My health started to improve and before long I reached my fitness goals and then became a fitness model. Dreaming a


GIFTS IN MY LIFE.... As a Lifestyle Fitness Coach I have the opportunity to assist many amazing people in their quest for a healthier lifestyle. The rewards for motivating & educating others are unmeasurable. I am extremely grateful for the gifts in my life; I cherish each one of my clients, they're all remarkable and each has touched my life in a special way. I received a beautiful testimonial from one of my LivFit 12-Week Transformation clients, Jenn Davis, who's spirit & dedication made it possible for her to reach her fitness goals. Jenn is a fire-cracker; she's brilliant, full of happiness and has enthusiasm for life. I was honored to train her and I'm proud of her great success in achieving her goals and dreams. Jenn now knows that diets are not necessary in achieving health and wellness; living the LivFit Lifestyle is just that a lifestyle! I do not believe in diets & deprivation. Its about honoring your body by choosing to eat clean because that


DREAM BIG If you want to enlarge your life, you must first enlarge your thought of it and yourself. Hold the ideal of yourself as you long to be, your ideal of what you long to attain, the ideal of health, efficiency and success. You can lift yourself by your thoughts. Your vision will help you climb mountains. High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. You'll become as small as your controlling desire, or as great as your dominant aspiration. The courage to follow your dreams is your first step toward destiny.When you cease to dream, you cease to live. - Charlene Summers It is imperative to laser in on your fitness goals daily. Focus on them throughout the day. Write your goals down (in the present tense), read them aloud with happiness and zeal each morning then again before bed, and visualizing yourself as though you have already accomplished your goals. By following through and honoring yourself you will reach your goals sooner. Believe you are


PORTION CONTROL FOR A LEANER BODY Portion control is essential to master for a health and wellness. I'm often asked what to eat to lose weight and build muscle, my answer is always the same, to eat a small balanced meal every three hours to jump start the metabolism and balance blood sugar levels. Eating a small meal is just that - smaller portions. Oten time's people go all day snacking without eating a nutritious meal consisting of lean protein, complex carbohydrate and veggies. By the end of the day when they get home from work they're ravenous and end up eating the entire pantry filled with sugars, preservatives and sodium. Before they know it an hour of overindulging goes by then soon after painful bloating and indigestion kicks in. The body can only utilize and digest a certain amount of calories in one meal which is between 300 - 500 calories (depending on size and mass) then stores the rest as unwanted fat! Did you know the body actually prefers less food? There'


SWIMSUIT SEASON IS HERE Summer is almost here... which means swimsuit season! You don't need to feel shy at the pool if you start today to live a LivFit Lifestyle. Living fit is truly a gift that you can give yourself. Choosing to eat a small balanced meal consisting of lean protein, complex carb, fresh veggies and good fats (Omega 3-6-9) will boost your metabolism while building and maintaining lean muscle tissue. Be sure to take note of the time each time you eat; try to eat every three hours for more energy and fat burning benefits. Exercising each day is a must for a lean summer body. Wake up an hour earlier to workout. Alternate interval training with strength training, by being true to yourself you'll soon have more self confidence, feel empowered and look better in your clothes. So get moving, eat clean and embrace life with heartfelt gratitude every day! Write down 5 attainable goals as well as 5 affirmations. Write in the present tense as though you’ve already accompli


SUCCESS IS A CHOICE The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you start moving down the road to success. No one else can do it for you. Only you can make it happen. You're the only one that has to live your life. Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. It's up to you to choose the thoughts and actions that will lead you to success. Your life will be what you make of it. Nothing will ever happen by itself. Success will come your way once you realizethat you have to make it come your way by your own actions. The power to succeed is yours alone. - Charlene Summers


Hiring a fitness coach is highly rewarding. I'm often asked what I do for my clients, so I decided to dedicate this blog to highlighting what I can do for you as your LivFit Coach. I offer two coaching programs. LivFit Fitness, my personal one-on-one Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching done in my home gym. I charge $50 to $100 an hour (depending on complexity of program ) and teach you how to balance your body, mind & spirit in creating the body of your dreams. 12-Week LivFit Transformation Challenge, I am a fitness coach for Liv International ( ) which offers a transformation challenge. It's $125 for 3 months. It's a great program that's a lot of fun. I love my team, my clients are all awesome! You can join at What I Can Do for You with LivFit Fitness & LivFit Transformation Challenge! What are your goals? How do you want to transform your body? If you would like to lose weight, run faster, burn


GET MOTIVATED TODAY! Starting an exercise routine can seem overwhelming to some people, they don’t know how or when to start or they just don’t understand how important it is to exercise daily. I hear all kinds of excuses why people don’t exercise. I often hear, "I wish I was motivated to exercise…" Well, it all comes down to caring enough about you to take charge of your health and wellness now! As with everything in life you have to prioritize what’s most important to you. If losing weight is one of your desires then you have to make time for exercise each day. Set attainable goals that you can achieve. Make fitness a priority! Your body craves fitness just as much as it craves sleep and proper nutrition. By making simple lifestyle changes you'll have more energy, you’ll feel happier and healthier as well as you'll feel empowered and have more self-confidence. Here are some motivating tips to assist you in getting moving today! CAROL'S TOP-10 WAYS TO STAY MOTIVA


KUTV 2 NEWS HEALTHY LIVING VIDEO I've had a fantastic week! Since my Healthy Living segment aired last Tuesday I've had the privilege to hear from a lot of amazing people. Each have been a gift in my life and have brought joy to my heart. I feel richly blessed to have been given the opportunity to share my passion of health and wellness with thousands of homes across the nation. I've been edified by incredible individuals who have contacted me . Some have reached out asking for assistance in their weight loss & wellness goals, while others just stopped by to s ay hi and thanked me for my message and example. I have to say that I love what I do, I love people! Each new day is truly a gift from above. I always look forward to meeting new friends each morning... I'm a big fan of Facebook , I've made lifelong friends who have touched my spirit deeply. How awesome to have the world at my finger tips... who would have ever thought such things would be possible...