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Summer is here which means swimsuit season! You don't need to feel shy at the pool if you take charge of your fitness goals today! Living the LivFit Lifestyle is a powerful gift that only you can give yourself! Exercising 30 to 60 minutes daily 4 to 6 times a week along with eating often will greatly improve your quality of life in miraculous ways!

Proper nutrition is approximately 85% of the “hard body” equation. Choosing to eat 5 to 6 small balanced meals throughout the day will turbo-charge your metabolism – literally! A small meal consists of a lean protein (at least 20 to 30 grams), complex carb (15 to 20 grams), fresh veggies, good fats (1 to 2 T of an Omega 3-6-9 blend daily) and at least 80 oz of filtered water daily. By eating small meals you will boost your metabolism while building and maintaining lean, strong muscle tissue. Going without eating for hours on end will only build up your unwanted fat stores. Your metabolism is like a fire, it takes fuel to maintain and keep it burning. If you stop feeding the fire it will die out, if you feed too much fuel at once it will be smoldered out and the fuel that wasn’t burned goes to the wayside – which means it turns into fat storage… It is a must to eat often to create or maintain a lean physique.

A small meal means just that, using PORTION CONTROL! A basic rule of thumb is to use the size of the “palm” of your hand as a portion size for each food group on your plate. Be sure to take note of when you eat; eating every three to four hours will boost your metabolism into overdrive and will supercharge your energy level. Which in turn you’ll desire to be more active which will burn more calories, it’s simple; eat 3 main meals and a healthy protein snack between each meals consisting of 5 to 6 small meals a day.

Exercising everyday is an absolute must to obtain a lean summer body. If time is your excuse then wake up an hour earlier to workout - make it a high priority. Set short-term attainable goals that you can reach each week. Alternate interval training (cardio) with strength training every other day to build a shapely physique; for optimal fat burning results do interval training for cardio each morning on an empty stomach, then do light cardio such as going for a 30 minute walk or bike ride in the evenings.

Living a LivFit Lifestyle is highly rewarding; by honoring your fitness goals and dreams you'll have more self-confidence, feel empowered and look hot in your swimsuit! So get moving, eat clean and embrace life with heartfelt gratitude every day for a happier, healthier life!


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