How many times do you tell yourself that you're going to start exercising and eating better "today"? But then to find at the end of the day you didn't exactly make it through the day without a treat or two and didn't find time to exercise?
Most people want to improve something about their health, whether it be weight loss, or to have more energy or to just feel better about their body. To many it seems overwhelming so they just keep putting it off...
Stepping up to fitness doesn't have to be hard, strenuous or difficult. Here is a simple fitness quiz for women (men can do it too) that will give some light on your fitness knowledge.
Set time aside each day for fitness, 30 minutes is all you need to begin to live a healthier life. You deserve to be happier, healthier & stronger. You'll not only feel empowered for taking care of YOU each day but your family will benefit by your example and wellness too! Fitness has a rippling effect by living a fit lifestyle you will improve every aspect of your life. Commit to exercising at least 5 days a week; you'll naturally start to feel better about yourself, you'll begin to make healthier eating choices and your relationships will improve dramatically as well. Life really is brighter and full of exciting ventures when you sincerely take charge of your health & wellness.
Eating a healthy, clean diet is the cornerstone of good health & living a fit lifestyle. Below is a list of foods rated by the Glycemic Index. By eating foods that are low GI you'll lose fat much faster, tone up sooner and have tons more energy (you may want to print off the list and place it in your pantry.) Stock up on foods that have a low GI rating and stay away from processed foods that are loaded with sugar, sodium and preservatives; they'll destroy your hard work and feelings of well being.
So get moving today! Eat well and remember to believe in your dreams! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at carol@liveskinnynow.com - I'm here for you to assist you in accomplishing your fitness goals - I believe in YOU!!! =)
How many times do you tell yourself that you're going to start exercising and eating better "today"? But then to find at the end of the day you didn't exactly make it through the day without a treat or two and didn't find time to exercise?
Most people want to improve something about their health, whether it be weight loss, or to have more energy or to just feel better about their body. To many it seems overwhelming so they just keep putting it off...
Stepping up to fitness doesn't have to be hard, strenuous or difficult. Here is a simple fitness quiz for women (men can do it too) that will give some light on your fitness knowledge.
Set time aside each day for fitness, 30 minutes is all you need to begin to live a healthier life. You deserve to be happier, healthier & stronger. You'll not only feel empowered for taking care of YOU each day but your family will benefit by your example and wellness too! Fitness has a rippling effect by living a fit lifestyle you will improve every aspect of your life. Commit to exercising at least 5 days a week; you'll naturally start to feel better about yourself, you'll begin to make healthier eating choices and your relationships will improve dramatically as well. Life really is brighter and full of exciting ventures when you sincerely take charge of your health & wellness.
Eating a healthy, clean diet is the cornerstone of good health & living a fit lifestyle. Below is a list of foods rated by the Glycemic Index. By eating foods that are low GI you'll lose fat much faster, tone up sooner and have tons more energy (you may want to print off the list and place it in your pantry.) Stock up on foods that have a low GI rating and stay away from processed foods that are loaded with sugar, sodium and preservatives; they'll destroy your hard work and feelings of well being.
So get moving today! Eat well and remember to believe in your dreams! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at carol@liveskinnynow.com - I'm here for you to assist you in accomplishing your fitness goals - I believe in YOU!!! =)