Summer is almost here... which means swimsuit season! You don't need to feel shy at the pool if you start today to live a LivFit Lifestyle. Living fit is truly a gift that you can give yourself.
Choosing to eat a small balanced meal consisting of lean protein, complex carb, fresh veggies and good fats (Omega 3-6-9) will boost your metabolism while building and maintaining lean muscle tissue. Be sure to take note of the time each time you eat; try to eat every three hours for more energy and fat burning benefits.
Exercising each day is a must for a lean summer body. Wake up an hour earlier to workout. Alternate interval training with strength training, by being true to yourself you'll soon have more self confidence, feel empowered and look better in your clothes. So get moving, eat clean and embrace life with heartfelt gratitude every day!
Write down 5 attainable goals as well as 5 affirmations. Write in the present tense as though you’ve already accomplished your goals. Visualize your dream body and feel as if you have accomplished your goals and affirmations. To jumpstart your dreams feel happy and accomplished each day. Any negative emotions will block the creative process in reaching your dreams. If you have a negative thought about your physique, immediately replace it with 5 positive, loving attributes about your miraculous body.
Remember to drink 2 to 4 oz of Liv Sxinney in your water , 2 to 4 cRave’s and take Go once or twice a day for optimal fat burning and muscle building results. Liv Sxinney products will nurtious your body from a cellular level. They’re truly remarkable products that I'm passionate about because of my love to assist otherS in improving their quality of life. I choose drink Liv Sxinney for the rest of my life. I'm grateful for liv International and all it has brought into my life…. Life really is so GOOD!
Until next time... Happy training & enjoy the summer to the fullest! =)