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Showing posts with the label Exercise


FAMILY FITNESS I'm passionate about assisting others in achieving their fitness, weight loss goals & dreams.  I receive emails with questions almost daily from people wanting advice on how to improve their quality of life through diet & exercise.   Today I received a question regarding how to introduce fitness to a child and what they can do to incorrporate exercise into their lives.   Here is my reply... Thank you for your kind words, it's my pleasure to connect with you. Congratulations on your daughter's great success at such a young age. I wouldn't push her too much into doing serious workouts at the tender age of 12. If she truly has a desire & a passion to workout then you're goals for her are commendable; however, if it's your idea then it may cause body image issues for her in the future, of which, could be detrimental to her health in the long run. I recommend to my clients to do family fitness activities to encourage children to e


LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS Would you like to lose 5 to 10 lbs before the Holidays?  Eating clean is 90% of feeling great & the key to losing weight even more so then exercising alone. Don’t get me wrong exercising is essential as well but eating clean will make or break your fitness goals & dreams.   You can do crunches, lift hard, ride the bike until your want to puke but if you turn around and eat junk food or high in fat, refined, processed foods you won't see the results you desperately desire. HOW TRANSFORM YOUR PHYSIQUE To transform your body from flabby to fit & tone you don’t have to workout hard 7 days a week you just need to workout at least 30 to 60 minutes 5 to 6 days a week. Building a lean physique is attainable.  To live the LivFit Lifestyle is simply making exercise part of your daily routine, eating healthy, whole foods and keeping a powerful positive attitude. You can lose 5 to 10 lbs before the Holidays!  Eating whole foods w


GET RIPPED BEFORE SUMMER! * TIP OF THE DAY * Diet is 85% of Fitness Success How many people do you know that go to the gym everyday but never change? It’s because their diet does not support their fitness goals. I can’t stress enough about the importance of proper nutrition. It’s imperative to eat small clean wholesome meals every 3 to 4 hours. Eating the right fuel is 85% of the equation. You can do sit-ups and push ups all day long but you won’t be able to uncover those sexy abs until you burn the fat that’s covering them, and that comes from proper nutrition along with regular daily exercise. If you want to be ripped before summer then commit today to working out at least 5 days a week - no excuses.  Then eat clean whole foods -  that means stay away from canned, boxed or processed foods of any kind.  Be sure to drink plenty of water, at least 60 to 80 oz and eat protein with every meal & snack.  And have your last meal of the day by 7 pm - after that consider t


HOW TO SCULPT A SIX PACK   SIX PACK ABS I'm often asked is how to achieve a six pack.  It's a lofty goal for some but very achievable with hard work, endurance along with clean eating. You can have a tight, sexy mid-section by following my Six Pack Ab program. By committing to it you will have a killer washboard stomach within 90 days (if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and if you do it will just take you a bit longer). It's not easy but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?   First you need to look at your family's genetics. What is your physique like now? How about your family, what are your parents and siblings figures like? Do they carry most of their weight in their abdominal area or the bottom half? If you carry your weight mainly around the middle then it will take you a bit longer to see your awesome six pack than those that carry their weight around the lower ha


"LIVFIT FITNESS ONLINE COACHING SPECIAL" Do you want to get in the best shape of your life by summer? Do you want to be in control of your eating habits for good? Do you want to learn how to have the desire to want to exercise? If you answered “Yes” then I can help you – personally! I CAN HELP YOU! Contact me to learn how to put yourself first & take control of your life. YOU can have it all, excellent health, a fit body and true happiness! As a Lifestyle Fitness Consultant & Coach I'll teach you how to balance your body, mind & spirit to transform life! I'll teach you how to train your mind to look at food differently which will stop self sabotage once and for all! I'll teach you how to love yourself unconditionally and how to have a positive mental attitude daily.   Living the LivFit Lifestyle is a lifestyle NOT a diet! Contact me today to learn just how easy & rewarding it is to live a LivFit Lifestyle for life! As your own personal Lif


LIVIN' FIT! What a fabulous week it's been! I've trained hard daily and I'm thrilled to say that my hard work it definitely paying off. I was tired yesterday and a bit too fatigued to do cardio, so I only did 10 minutes of cardio warm up & stretching followed by a cool down with stretching. Listening to your body will ward off overtraining and will keep you psyched for training - if you're too tired take it easy that day and eat a low-carb diet filled with more protein & fresh veggies for fuel. You'll be able to give your all the next day after a good rest which will allow your body to recover properly. THANK YOU TEAM! I'm excited to share my daily routine & clean eating menus with my LivFit Team who has joined my Liv SXinney Team. Thank you to everyone who has committed to living the LivFit Lifestyle. I've enjoyed getting to know everyone better and for the opportunity to share my passion of health & fitness. Anyone can join my


DAY 9 OF LIVIN' THE LIVFIT LIFESTYLE Fitness Affirmation of the Day: "NO MORE BAD DAYS!!! EATING CLEAN COMES EASILY FOR ME EACH DAY! I LOVE LIFE & IN RETURN LIFE SUPPORTS ME!" I'm happy to report that I'm seeing amazing results in just a week in a half of training thanks to training hard, eating clean & drinking Liv SXinney, Go & Crave daily... I lost some definition a bit over the holidays; I always take December & the first part of January off to give my body & mind a much needed rest and regroup my thoughts & goals. I'm always stoked to start training again; taking the needed break from training is well deserved and highly needed both physically & mentally. I'm happy to report that I'm back 120% and lovin’ every minute of it! I enjoyed training my arms & shoulders today; they’re my muscles choice to train. It's awesome to see my veins pop when lifting weights and it’s highly rewarding to see my progress in


LIVIN' MY LIVFIT LIFESTYLE Tip of the Day:  Quality over quantity!  Be sure to exercise in a methotical manner. Proper form is critical during strength training.  Do not rush through exercises.  By focusing on the muscles being worked you'll have greater results without injury. TODAYS WORKOUT: LEGS: Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves & Quads Today’s workout was tough! After a couple of days off of strength training I raring to go when I hit my gym. Working legs takes a lot of energy and strength which burns more calories during and after my hard workouts. I give it my all everyday to ensure I get the results I’ve set for myself. Waking up early and getting my exercising done first thing after taking Go is my magical formula to maintain my lean physique. By doing cardio on an empty stomach to warm up my cold muscles my body will utilize my glycogen store aka fat for energy. Before I hit the weights I have some protein to feed my muscles, I also drink Liv SXinney t


LIVIN' THE LIVFIT LIFESTYLE DAY 5: ARMS & CHEST Today was my favorite training day of all - arms & chest. I love working arms because the results are so visible and highly rewarding. Not only do sculpted arms look attractive but it's great to be strong a mother. I remember vividly when I began feeling strong and could pick two of my children at once, I'd put one on one hip & the other on my other hip. It was awesome! I worked out hard and I'm now looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my family. The weekends are my down time, I'm more lsayed back and enjoy healthy snacks more often. My favorite snack isthat I make is popped popcorn, we enjoy it as a family when we play games or watch movies; I love spending quality time with my family. And after a long week of training, working, taking care of my family & horses I look forward to getting some much needed R&R... =) ARM & CHEST STREGNTH TRAINING EXERCISES 5 x 8-12 Single Bicep Curl

Day 4 of Liv Fit, Train Hard & Liv Happy! Legs & Back

DAY 4: LEGS & BACK Affirmation of the Day: "I am fit, thin, healthy & strong! I love everything about my body!" Well, its legs & back training again... it's my toughest workout hands down. It takes a lot of hard work, sweat & energy to get the job done right, but well worth it in the end! Here is a great leg routine that get's results, but only if you eat a clean diet every three hours. If you eat junk food after a workout you'll soon get discouraged because you won't see the results you're hoping for. So remember to eat healthy whole foods every few hours and be sure to have lean protein with each and every meal & snack to supply your body with the needed energy & building blocks it requires to create lean muscle tissue. And drink plenty of water filled with Liv SXinney to lose the fat that’s covering newly defined muscles that you’ve worked so hard for. AT HOME LEG WORKOUT USING DUMBBELLS You can get ripped in the comfo