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U Accelerate University -- Take Your Business to the Next Level

U Accelerate University

Expert Summit
November 10-22, 2014
Hosted by Amy Walker

If you're an entrepreneur and are wanting to increase your income with sales and productivity U Accelerate University is for you! Join me along with other experts to learn how to take your business to the next level. Sign up today to register for this life changing summit! You can be highly prosperous and successful--we'll show you how.

Did you know 50% of small businesses fail by their 4th year and the number 1 reason is they don’t know what they are doing! Don’t be a statistic! Join me and other trainers for this powerful online business summit to give you the skills you need to rock your business! 

2014 is almost over. Have you reached your goals yet? Whether you reached all, some or none of your 2014 goals, the end of the year push is crucial for your business!  Want to start 2015 strong?  Then it’s time to end 2014 strong!

I am so excited and honored to be participating in a special event with some of my favorite rock star trainers!!!  Accelerate University is an online Expert Summit designed to give you the skills and education you need to reach your business goals.  Wishing, hoping and planning is not enough!  You need business skills and  I would love to invite you to be a part of this powerful event!

You will be trained from the best of the best! Carol Whitaker, Lynn Cooper, Diane Conklin, Marci Lock, Cena Block, Gary Norris, Cadi Jordan, Moira Geary, Marnie Pehrson, Mike Sansone and Amy Walker!

You will receive 12 trainings on the following topics:
  • The Balancing Act: Balancing Business And Family
  • Unleash Your Power Within To Live A Ridiculously Happy Life
  • Reboot Your Brand
  • How To Take Information You Already Know And Turn It Into Passive, Ongoing Income Streams For Life
  • Breakthrough Barriers To Get A Rockin’ Body & Life
  • Find Your Flow: Unlock Productivity Through Your Time And Space Style Preferences
  • Unleash The Rebel Entrepreneur Within
  • How To Run Your Social Media Like An Agency
  • Get Clear On How To Overcome Your Business Blocks
  • Stop Trading Hours For Dollars: Leverage Your Expertise Into Products And Programs
  • 5 Tips To Increase Your Sales And Monetize Your Message
  • Small Actions Leading To Big Results
Whether you are brand new in business, experienced and wanting to brush up on your skills, or just somewhere in between, this event is for YOU!!

The best part is, it’s FREE.  Did you catch that?  From November 10-22nd, you will receive a training a day from these powerful business owners (excluding Sunday.)  The videos will be emailed to you and you can watch at your own convenience.  Join me and learn the skills to truly reach your 2014 business goals.

Register Now and enter to a win $165 worth of FREE gifts: 

*  A FREE One Hour LivFit Coaching Call 
*  A FREE Autographed copy of my Ridiculously Happy! 
*  An audiobook of Ridiculously Happy! 

To Your Success!

About the Author

Carol Whitaker is the author of Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams. If you want to improve your quality of life and get results fast, Carol can help you get to the next level. Carol is devoted to helping her clients thrive happily. Carol is a highly sought after Transformation Expert and Life Success Coach, she is well-known for the amazing transformations she creates in her clients’ lives. Carol is dedicated to empowering men and women around the world to love and believe in themselves fully to live a fulfilling life. Carol is a Media Expert and Motivational Speaker; she is passionate about helping people unleash their inner power to create their dreams. Carol is an ongoing featured expert on national media and online websites. Carol is a happily married mother of three and is an avid equestrian. Connect with Carol on Facebook to receive her health, fitness, and happiness tips and by following her on Twitter. Visit to learn more about her services to receive FREE tips to become happier and healthier.


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