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Build Lean, Sexy Arms at Home

Build Lean, Sexy Arms at Home
Carol Whitaker
Build Lean, Sexy Arms at Home
Everyone loves to see well-defined arms, it takes commitment and dedication day in and day out to achieve and keep up. And having lean, built arms is empowering and a definite confidence builder. 

Over 20 years ago, I too used long for a lean, sexy arms, I was intimidated by weights, after all, I’m a woman and I didn’t want big muscles, so I shied away from weight lifting until I learned that women don’t have enough testosterone naturally to create bulky muscles. 

It didn’t take long before I got into weight lifting, and came to love it. My husband and I created a home gym, and I ended up having such outstanding results that I haven’t looked back. Now in my mid 40’s I have leaner arms than I did when I was young or even 10 years ago. I was able to accomplish my fitness dreams in the comfort of my home. 

Benefits of a Home Gym 

Having a home gym saves time and money, and it allows you to work out without interruption. It is great for anyone who wants to sculpt their physique without having to pay for a pricey gym membership or make the drive to and from a gym. I have loved every minute throughout the years I spend in my home gym, and I’m sure you will too.

To create a home gym all you need are a few sets of dumbbells, an incline bench, a full length mirror (to ensure you have proper form while lifting) and a water bottle to stay well hydrated while training. You can add to your gym as you go along and start to see the awesome results of your training.
Make working out fun: I’m a big fan of playing upbeat music when I train; it’s a lot more enjoyable to lift to a high-energy beat than to lift in silence. You may want to listen to motivating music as well while you pump iron.
Below is a quick workout you can do at home.
 Home Workout

This circuit training routine requires a set of medium and heavy dumbbells, a bench and a full-length mirror. The exercises below are designed to work out at home (or in a gym) and a positive attitude!
Rotate through each exercise as you complete each set. Begin with medium weights for the first set and then increase to heavier weights for the last sets.
Have a water bottle during training to stay hydrated and a towel to dry off.  Have a Core Power protein drink for your post-training drink.  
(Always warm up, and stretch before and after training)
5 x 12 -15 bicep curls (biceps)
5 x 12 -15 triceps extensions (triceps)
5 x 12 -15 alternating shoulder press (shoulders)
5 x 12 -15 dumbbell row (back – each side)
5 x 12-15 pushups (chest)
Followed by cardio – medium intensity for 20 minutes.

About the author

Carol Whitaker is the author of the acclaimed book Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams.  Carol is a Media Expert, Lifestyle Fitness & Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Mentor. As a highly sought-after life coach and happiness expert, Carol dedicates herself to empowering men and women around the world to love and believe in themselves, fully; and she is well-known for the amazing transformations she creates in her clients’ lives. Carol is an ongoing featured expert on national media and online websites. Her motivational articles can be found on, and, to name a few. Carol is a happily married mother of three and is an avid equestrian. Connect with Carol on LinkedIn and Facebook to receive her health, happiness and fitness tips, and by following her on Twitter. Visit and learn to unleash your inner powers to live a ridiculously happy life!


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