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Sugared Toasted Pumpkin Seeds & Almonds Recipe... YUM!

Sugared Toasted Pumpkin Seeds & Almonds... 
YUM! :)

I made the most delicious toasted spiced pumpkins seeds after my kids carved their pumpkins for Halloween. I love sugared almonds so I thought why not make sugared pumpkin seeds! I love nuts, especially almonds, so I added some almonds to my pumpkin seed recipe and boy, I'm glad I did, it made the pumpkin seeds stand out in flavor and gave it an extra kick. 

They were so good that I just had to share. Not only were they delicious by they made my home smell like wonderful! This crunchy sweet treat was a huge hit in our home and I'm sure it will be in your home too! 

I love toasted pumpkin seeds, they're loaded with fiber, protein, vitamin K & E and they're rich in omega-3 anti-inflammatory acids. All of which is a A+ in my book. I only eat healthy snacks; this recipe is a definitely a keeper. 

I'm not one for added oils and sugar so I made mine fat free by using non fat cooking spray and used Truvia (an all natural sweetener that doesn't effect insulin levels) in place of sugar. I'm also not one to measure ingredients, unless I'm baking and even then I change the ingredients to be low fat and low sugar. So the ingredient measurements listed below are a guesstimate

Okay, so now for my recipe... 

Carol Whitaker's Roasted Spiced Pumpkin Seeds 


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl combine ingredients. Toss and mix well, coating seeds and almonds


2 cups of raw pumpkin seeds
3 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp of nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 pumpkin spice
2 tsp of vanilla extract
dash of sea salt
4 packets of Truvia
1/2 cup sliced or slivered almonds (optional)
2 Tbls of water or 1 Tbls of coconut oil

Spray a cooking sheet with nonfat cooking spray (if you didn't add coconut oil) or use tinfoil to line the cookie sheet for a quick and easy clean up. Place seeds and almonds on the cookie sheet. 

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until golden in color, be sure to watch them the last 5 to 10 minutes, they burn easily.  Take them out of the oven when they look and smell done. Let cool for 10 to 15 minutes before placing them into a serving dish.  

If you make them please let me know how you liked them below. This recipe for sugared toasted pumpkin seeds and almost will be an excellent after school snack for your kids, or a after workout snack to keep your muscles fueled and your joints happy. 


~Carol Whitaker


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