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Breakfast really is the fuel of champions!

If you are one that skips breakfast in your haste to get out the door or as an effort to lose weight, you’re not doing yourself any favors—you may want to think twice about skipping the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast that starts your weight loss efforts that induces weight loss, jump-starts your metabolism and balances your hormones—at the beginning of the day.

Eating a well-balanced breakfast consisting of 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein and a complex carbohydrate within an hour of waking will jump-start your metabolism in addition to balancing your hormones which will help keep you going strong all day long.  

Your body needs a breakfast that’s high in protein because it’s loaded with branch chain amino acids (BCCAs) which are needed for your body to function properly in conjunction with complex carbs which shuttles the BCAAs into your muscles and fuels your body and mind.

If you fail to eat a balanced breakfast that is high in protein then your body will go into a catabolic state as it needs amino acids to survive resulting in muscle loss which is why when you don’t eat well and exercise regularly you get soft and flabby.

Eating breakfast will also keep you from having cravings and overeating later in the day.  Eating breakfast that's high in protein and complex carbs not only kicks your metabolism into high gear but it also satiates you longer and keeps unhealthy cravings at bay that generally begin midday. Eating a balanced breakfast will not only fuel your body but it will also keep your blood sugar level which will keep you from having sugar cravings and energy lows throughout the day.

Having a breakfast that is high in protein is simple to make and is delicious. You can have whole oats made with light almond milk, water and mix in a dash of cinnamon, nutmeg and a Tbls of ground flaxseed mixed with a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder and a 1/4 of a banana sliced, mix it all mixed together after cooking the oatmeal (that’s my favorite breakfast), or you can have your protein drink on the side. Another high protein breakfast is having 5 scrambled egg whites with one yoke and some oatmeal on the side with a few blueberries or strawberries mixed with a Tbls of ground flaxseed and a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg.

So if you want to feel great and lose weight then make eating breakfast a high priority each morning. If you're in a hurry then have a whey protein drink and a small banana or apple before you rush out the door.

Then take a mental note when you ate and plan to eat another small meal consisting of lean protein and a complex carb with veggies and clean fats 3 hours from your last meal to keep your metabolism burning all day long.

If you do this in addition to training at least 4 times a week you will achieve your fitness goals and dreams!

Carol Whitaker

Lifestyle Fitness Coach


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