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People are drawn to positive, happy people. Let your beauty shine by taking the time to look your best. 

Being happy and looking your best is not only attractive, but also inspires others to do the same. When you walk with your head & chest held high with a smile on your face you will naturally have a higher self-esteem. Your body languages also express how you feel about you.

Live your best life by being happy. Smile and laugh more, realize that life really is sooo Good! Decided to see the best in all situation and in those you associate with. Happiness is a state of mind... Choose to be happy! 

My top ten tips for looking your best and feeling great are simple yet very powerful in shifting your vibration of doubt to that of creation! Pamper yourself for a week ~ you’ll be surprise just how much it will change your life for the better in all aspects of your life.



Upon waking up each morning before you even get out of bed think about what you are
thankful for and proclaim what a fantastic day it's going to be! Begin each new day with powerful energy to create your day on purpose. Remember, like always attracts like, so declare what you want to experience each new day! Start your day off right by having an attitude of gratitude. Be happy!


Take time to primp each morning. Shower each, do your hair and makeup as if you were going on a date with your sweetheart. Take pride in yourself will express to those around you that you love who you are. Dress nicely, not in sweats or an over-sized T-shirt. Dress for success each and every day! Regardless of your tasks for the day, dress nicely. Doing so you will start your day off right!


Be loving. Show your children and family members know how proud you are of them. Make it a point to speak kind words often to your loved ones, friends and associates by letting them know just how much you appreciate them. The more you are grateful for, the more you will have to be grateful for! It's a beautiful thing!!!


Eat wholesome foods that your body craves. Eat lean protein, fresh veggies and fruits. Aim to eat a small meal every 3 to 4 hours and drink plenty of purified water. 

By staying hydrated you'll have more energy, your metabolism will increase, you'll look & feel younger, you'll be moods will improve, your health will sky rocket and your skin and hair will also improve too.

Eat to live don't live to eat! It's simple & highly rewarding to eat clean!


Get to bed by 10:30 pm every night.. Getting to bed early will not only help you feel happier and healthier. It's highly important to get a good night rest of at least 7 to 9 hours each night. Sleep is essential to good health. Try to get to bed before 10:30 pm every night! Your body will reward you for it!


Happiness is a choice, if you're not happy it's your decision not to be. Instead of focusing in on the negative smile and chose to be happy--now!  Following your bliss to help you shift into a happier mindset. Take time for some true R&R by doing what you love. 

Life can become way too stressful if you let it. Take time to play with your kids, read a good book, do your favorite hobby, walk your dog, cook your favorite meal, talk to a friend, or have a date with your sweetheart... do something each day that brings you joy & happiness.

So there you have it! Live these simple yet truly life changing principals and I guarantee you will look and feel your very best.  You will live a happier, more fulfilling life by looking and feeling your best seven days a week!

Have a magical day loving and pampering you!

If you felt inspired please share and LIKE us on Facebook!

Thanks for reading! :)

Carol Whitaker is the author of Ridiculously Happy! The Secret to Manifesting the Life & Body of Your Dreams. Carol understands firsthand what it’s like to overcome chronic ill health to that of thriving both personally and professionally. She is a highly sought after Life Coach, and is well-known for the amazing transformations she creates in her clients’ lives. Carol is a Motivational Speaker and is passionate about inspiring men and women to live a ridiculously happy and successful life. Carol is an ongoing featured expert on national media and online websites. She is dedicated to helping people accomplish their dreams. Carol is happily married mother of three. Connect with Carol on Facebook to receive her health, fitness & happiness tips and by following her on Twitter. Visit to learn more about her transformation services, along with tools to discover how to unleash your power within to live the life of your dreams.


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