Carol Whitaker
8 Tips to Transform Your Body
We all have been blessed with the innate power to create and manifest our lives on purpose with intention, yet so many people just live their life like “groundhog day” just going through life as though they were in a trance.
If you feel stuck in your current way of life or feel sluggish from being overweight, you can change your lifestyle with baby steps simply by following the tips below. Each area of your life can improve dramatically if you focus your thoughts on what is wanted, including seeing your body as being fit, thin, healthy & strong.
You have the power to create your life & body as your heart desires. Take action today to begin seeing a difference tomorrow. Believe in all that you are! You are magnificent! Embrace your higher-self by loving yourself fully. Follow your heart by following through with inspired action to create the life & body of your dreams.
8 Tips for Fitness Success
You can start living a fit lifestyle at any age. It all begins with believing that you are worth it and that you deserve to have all the beautiful gifts of life in each area of your life. So get moving more by walking to the mailbox, taking your dog for a walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, by deep cleaning your home, by doing gardening, going horseback riding or incorporating daily exercise into your lifestyle. The more you stay active the happier and healthier you will be.
It’s easy to complain about our bodies and it's just as easy to overeat constantly or to crave junk food. But it’s also easy to let all the negative self-talk go out the windows of your mind once and for all. Negative thoughts cause cravings for unhealthy food which spikes your insulin for a quick pick me up and then leaves you feeling fat, bloated and/or depressed.
If you find that you’re constantly complaining about your looks, how difficult life is or have negative self-talk more often than not then decide here and now to STOP IT!
If you find that you’re constantly complaining about your looks, how difficult life is or have negative self-talk more often than not then decide here and now to STOP IT!
Just as a loving parent teaches their child to stay away from a busy road when outside playing, you need to do the same in your own conscious mind and learn how to stay away from the “dangers” of negative inner dialog. The more you speak lovingly about yourself the more you will be able to let go of the limiting thoughts. Having positive self-talk will stir feelings of wanting to achieve success. In addition, you will begin to desire healthier foods and want to be more active throughout the day.
So do yourself a huge favor and only speak and think kindly about yourself, your body will reward you for it!
So do yourself a huge favor and only speak and think kindly about yourself, your body will reward you for it!
Goals are your minds road map to success. Without a specific map of how to achieve that which you desire you, it will be like being locked in your home wishing you could get out and drive to your favorite store. You have the power to achieve anything you believe is attainable.
For starters, write down 3 goals that you know YOU CAN and WILL achieve within a week’s time. Make them simple enough to be able to accomplish each day, then post your goals where you can read them morning and night. Read them with enthusiasm as though you have already accomplished your goals.
Once you accomplish them, reward yourself, buy a new pair of jeans or get a pedicure, do whatever brings a smile to your face. Then create new goals that will stretch you a bit more, continue until you reach your fitness goals and your lifestyle dreams.
For starters, write down 3 goals that you know YOU CAN and WILL achieve within a week’s time. Make them simple enough to be able to accomplish each day, then post your goals where you can read them morning and night. Read them with enthusiasm as though you have already accomplished your goals.
Once you accomplish them, reward yourself, buy a new pair of jeans or get a pedicure, do whatever brings a smile to your face. Then create new goals that will stretch you a bit more, continue until you reach your fitness goals and your lifestyle dreams.
The next step to fitness success is to buy a notebook that you can carry with you so you can log what you eat and how you feel throughout the day. Write down everything you eat and how you felt when you ate, pay special attention to your emotions when you have a craving for junk food. Create a game plan to avoid giving into those unwanted cravings, such as go for a walk, call a friend or drink a big glass of water and stay out of the kitchen.
Then set 20 to 60 minutes aside 4 to 5 days a week for exercise, write down the night before in your exercise log book and then write down what you actually did. you don't have to jump headfirst into living a fit lifestyle, take it slow in the beginning until you increase your endurance and stamina.
For example do cardio on Mon, Wed & Fri and weight training on Tues & Thur, rest Sat and Sun. Begin with what you enjoy doing most, if it's taking your dog for a speedwalk each morning count that as your cardio until you build enough endurance to do HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) for 20 minutes. Do what you enjoy and you'll be more likely to do it on a regular basis.
Then set 20 to 60 minutes aside 4 to 5 days a week for exercise, write down the night before in your exercise log book and then write down what you actually did. you don't have to jump headfirst into living a fit lifestyle, take it slow in the beginning until you increase your endurance and stamina.
For example do cardio on Mon, Wed & Fri and weight training on Tues & Thur, rest Sat and Sun. Begin with what you enjoy doing most, if it's taking your dog for a speedwalk each morning count that as your cardio until you build enough endurance to do HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) for 20 minutes. Do what you enjoy and you'll be more likely to do it on a regular basis.
Learn to love weight lifting. Strength training is so fun—truly! It's my favorite form of exercise. I not only feel stronger when I train regularly, but I feel empowered in and out of my home gym.
If you want to transform your physique from flabby to fit then why not sculpt it as well by incorporating strength training into your exercise program. Lifting weights can be done in the comforts of your home you do not need a fancy gym membership to transform your body. I haven't stepped foot in a gym since I got married 20 years ago. I built my body with dumbbells in my home gym it's my favorite room in my home. And YOU can too!
If you want to transform your physique from flabby to fit then why not sculpt it as well by incorporating strength training into your exercise program. Lifting weights can be done in the comforts of your home you do not need a fancy gym membership to transform your body. I haven't stepped foot in a gym since I got married 20 years ago. I built my body with dumbbells in my home gym it's my favorite room in my home. And YOU can too!
All you need are 3 sets of dumbbells, medium, heavy and heavier to keep your muscles building as you improve your strength and endurance. A full-length mirror so you can see yourself use proper form and an incline bench to lift on. You can also put up motivation posters and a calendar to log your success. You may want to have your iPod handy to keep you pumped as you lift, I love working out to music, I blast it loud to energize my efforts optimally when training, it makes my workout more stimulating.
You can train all day long but if you don't eat a healthy whole food diet then you'll become frustrated and will soon give up before you even gave yourself a real chance to get started. Eating clean is simple and highly rewarding. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll feel and look years younger.
Eat a healthy diet by eating a small meal every 3 to 4 hours, eating every few hours will turbo-charge your metabolism as well as keep your blood sugar level. Make your three main meals consist of lean protein, complex carbs, and fresh veggies or a piece of fruit. Have a protein snack between your main meals.
Portion control is a must, use the size of the palm of your hand for a portion of protein and complex carbs. You can eat all the fresh veggies your stomach can handle. Use high-quality whey protein powder to ensure you get enough protein into your diet. If you are exercising regularly aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein is a huge part of a fit diet plan for any athlete.
Eat a healthy diet by eating a small meal every 3 to 4 hours, eating every few hours will turbo-charge your metabolism as well as keep your blood sugar level. Make your three main meals consist of lean protein, complex carbs, and fresh veggies or a piece of fruit. Have a protein snack between your main meals.
Portion control is a must, use the size of the palm of your hand for a portion of protein and complex carbs. You can eat all the fresh veggies your stomach can handle. Use high-quality whey protein powder to ensure you get enough protein into your diet. If you are exercising regularly aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein is a huge part of a fit diet plan for any athlete.
Our bodies are made mostly of water; every cell in our body requires water to detoxify and replenish, so if you forget to drink water throughout the day you are limiting your body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate. Water not only heals our bodies and removes toxins but it also raises the metabolism.
Get in the habit of taking a water bottle with you where ever you go. I carry a water bottle with me at all times, it’s a like carrying my purse, I never leave home without my 32 oz water bottle filled with purified water & Liv Sxinney.
Get in the habit of taking a water bottle with you where ever you go. I carry a water bottle with me at all times, it’s a like carrying my purse, I never leave home without my 32 oz water bottle filled with purified water & Liv Sxinney.
If you have difficulty consuming a gallon of water a day try adding a delicious mix to it to help you chug it down more often. I personally prefer to drink Liv Sxinney Max in my water to detox my cells with the chlorophyll and fulvic minerals.
Liv Sxinney is one supplement I never go without. It keeps my physique leaner, and best of all it tastes great and is highly refreshing. My body actually craves the chlorophyll in it, I love it! (You can learn more and buy Liv Sxinney along with receive 20% OFF on my site, )
Liv Sxinney is one supplement I never go without. It keeps my physique leaner, and best of all it tastes great and is highly refreshing. My body actually craves the chlorophyll in it, I love it! (You can learn more and buy Liv Sxinney along with receive 20% OFF on my site, )
Being kind and grateful. Being appreciative is a high energy frequency which reflects in your body's countenance.
When you are in an attitude of gratitude and appreciate all that you have as well as appreciate your miraculous body you will lose weight easier and will become more positive in all that you do. Everyone that you come in contact with will feel and see your powerful energy which encircles you.
Your powerful creative energy will radiate out into the universe expressing that you are happy & content with the blessings in your life, of which, will then attract back to you more to be happy and grateful for. It's an awesome way to live!
When you are in an attitude of gratitude and appreciate all that you have as well as appreciate your miraculous body you will lose weight easier and will become more positive in all that you do. Everyone that you come in contact with will feel and see your powerful energy which encircles you.
Your powerful creative energy will radiate out into the universe expressing that you are happy & content with the blessings in your life, of which, will then attract back to you more to be happy and grateful for. It's an awesome way to live!
Kind people attract kind people. When you are in an a positive attitude you will come to love yourself fully, you will reflect a healthy attitude which will manifest in your body-image. You will radiate the light within shedding light on the darkened shadows of life which comes from being fearful and constantly negative.
Kindness is a gift to that comes from living your truth and honoring all that you are. Share your love of life and your love of health and fitness with your family, associates and friends.
Smile to all you see, be your best in all that you do, compliments freely, be generous in giving and express your appreciation daily. The more you share your radiant light within the more kindness will come back to you. It’s the Law of Attraction in action!
Kindness is a gift to that comes from living your truth and honoring all that you are. Share your love of life and your love of health and fitness with your family, associates and friends.
Smile to all you see, be your best in all that you do, compliments freely, be generous in giving and express your appreciation daily. The more you share your radiant light within the more kindness will come back to you. It’s the Law of Attraction in action!
Appreciate all that you are, eat healthy whole foods, exercise daily and live your life as you were design to be, filled with happiness, success & joy. You are deserving and worthy to be, do, and have all that your heart desires and much, much more... But only if you choose to believe in you!
You have the power to transform your body as you wish it to be. Begin today by incorporating these tips to get in shape and feel great. Dreams really do come true!
You have the power to transform your body as you wish it to be. Begin today by incorporating these tips to get in shape and feel great. Dreams really do come true!