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Today can be a New Beginning of You!  Isn’t that an exciting thought!  You are on your way to becoming all that you dream of, including having better health, more wealth and pure happiness! 

You are about to learn simple yet incredibly powerful tips which will enable you to shift your energy frequency from low vibrations of feelings of frustration and powerlessness to high energized vibrations of cheerfulness and joy! 

You can become all that you desire to be when you have a positive mindset.  When you feel enthusiastic about life you are in the right energy vibration of creation.  Happiness cannot be obtained, bought, or found, true happiness comes from within. 

You can have a happy, fulfilling life and a fit body no matter what your past is or what your current circumstances are. You can become all that you wish to be!
As women we often forget how important it is to live a truly happy, joyful way of life.   

In all the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives we are constantly stressed as we tend to overfill our plates so much that it’s overflowing and we can’t even see over it!  Unfortunately, we tend to give our best to everyone else but ourselves.  

We are care-givers, breadwinners, wives, mothers, taxi drivers, short-order cooks, housekeepers, sisters, friends and daughters… it’s no wonder we’re exhausted at the end of the day.   We are being pulled in all directions that we have little time for ourselves, and that is when we end up giving our power away unknowingly little by little. 

Feelings of being overwhelmed begin to creep in leaving us feeling empty, lonely and unsatisfied.  We seem to constantly seem to put ourselves on the back burner and allow others to be a higher priority in our lives.  We fail to remember how precious it is to nourish our own physical, spiritual and emotional needs, or even worse we forget who we really are… 

Below are simple yet powerful tips to put you on the right track to transform you life. 


·        BE POSITIVE 

I cannot stress enough of the importance of being positive.  Your mind is responsible for attracting back to you that which you experience each day.  If you are happy with your life as it is now, high-five! Your dominate thoughts are of having unconditional love, happiness, abundance, understanding and forgiveness.  However, if you find that you’re lacking in areas of love and happiness or even abundance then change your thoughts. 

By having positive thoughts you will actually create new beliefs in your subconscious mind which will reflect in all that you do.  If you want to change your life then change your thoughts.  Thoughts are a preview to our future, it’s imperative to think on purpose to create the life & body of your dreams.  What you think about you bring about... what are you thinking now?

·        MOVE MORE

By moving more your body will become more energized and you will soon have the desire to exercise more intensely? Your body is designed to be active; it craves exercise equally to craving food and sleep.  We weren't born to sit in front of a computer all day or be a couch potato.  We were created to live healthy active lives to invigorate our body each day!

You can start living a fit lifestyle at any age.  It all begins with believing that you are worth it and that you deserve to have all the beautiful gifts of life in each area of your life.

·        SET GOALS

For starters, write down 3 goals that you believe YOU CAN and WILL achieve within a week’s time.  Make them simple enough to be able to accomplish each day, then post your goals where you can read them morning and night.

Read them with emotion as though you have already accomplished your goals.  Once you accomplish them reward yourself, buy a new pair of jeans or get a pedicure.  Then create new goals that will stretch you a bit more, continue until you reach your fitness goals.


The next step is to buy a notebook that you can carry with you so you can log your day.  Write down everything you eat and how you felt when you ate, pay special attention to your emotions when you have a craving for junk food.

Create a game plan to avoid giving into those unwanted cravings ~go for a walk, call a friend or drink a big glass of water. Then set 30 to 60 minutes aside 4 to 5 days a week for exercise.  For example do cardio on Mon, Wed & Fri and weight training on Tues & Thur rest Sat and Sun. 

Begin with what you enjoy doing most, if it's taking your dog on a speed walk each morning count that as your cardio until you build enough endurance to do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) for 20 minutes.  Do what makes you happy and you'll be more likely to do it on a regular basis.


Make exercise a high priority and lift weights at least 3 to 4 times a week.  Strength training is a must to create a lean, sculpted physique as well as to improve your self-confidence and self-image which will improve all aspects of your life. 

You do not need a fancy gym membership you can train at home. I haven't stepped foot in a gym since I got married 20 years ago.  I built my body with dumbbells in my home gym; it's my favorite room in my home. YOU can too! 

Buy 3 sets of dumbbells, medium, heavy and heavier to keep your muscles building as you improve your strength and endurance.  Also buy a mirror so you can see yourself use proper form and an incline bench to train on.


Eat a healthy diet every by eating a small meal every 3 to 4 hours, eating every few hours will jump start your metabolism as well as keep your blood sugar level. Make your three main meals consist of lean protein, complex carbs and fresh veggies and have a protein snack between your main meals. 

Portion control is a must, use the size of the palm of your hand for a portion of protein and complex carbs, you can eat all the fresh veggies your stomach can handle. Use high quality whey protein powder if needed to ensure you get enough protein into your diet.  Protein is a huge part of a fit diet plan for any athlete.

·        DRINK UP

Aim to drink at least a gallon of purified water daily. Have a gallon of water in your refrigerator ready to drink at all times.  This will be a great way to monitor how much water you’ve had that day. I prefer to drink Liv Sxinney Max in my water to detox my cells and aid in weight loss, it keeps my physique leaner, and best of all it tastes great and is highly refreshing.  My body actually craves the chlorophyll in it, I love it!

Interested in learning more about Liv Sxinney Max?  Go to ~ Recevie 20% OFF by using the Liv Sxinney  promo code "Liv Promo Code". Contact me if you have any questions. 

·        BE THANKFUL

Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the fastest ways to manifest more love and abundance into your life.  Being giving of your time, talents and abundance and you with a thankful heart of knowing that you have more than enough to share, this will attract back to you more of which to be thankful for.

Show your appreciation in both words and deeds and allow the goodness of life to come flowing to you with ease. Life really is a happier when you choose to be thankful for the blessings in your life.

If you do these simple tips you will be able to transform you life.  Have a positive mindset and enjoy your magical journey each step of the way...

~Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Coach 


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