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Water is often overlooked as an intricate part of the fitness equation.  Too many people run around all day and forget to drink water.  Drinking at least 80 to 100 oz of water daily has many health benefits, not only does it keep your cell hydrated and your organs cleansed by removing toxins and waste but it also  curbs cravings and raises the metabolism, inducing weight loss.  Water hydrates the skin which will make you look younger and youthful.  When the body is well hydrated it has more energy and vitality as well.  

Many of us mistake thirst for hunger.  When you are craving a snack or a pick me up treat in the middle of the afternoon typically it’s actually your body signaling it needs to be hydrated.  If you drink at least 15 oz of water and then chew gum or brush your teeth, your mind will realize that the needs were met and the hunger pangs will go away. 

If you want to perform at your best during exercise, keep your body hydrated throughout your training. Sweating away even just 1 percent of your body weight (a pound and a half for a 150-pound person) can place added stress on your cardiovascular system and will induce fatigue which can impair your performance in the gym.  Dehydration can also affect your mental sharpness causing a fog like feeling as well as hand-eye coordination.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends the following guidelines for keeping the body hydrated:

·         Before Exercise: Drink at least 16 ounces of fluid about two hours beforehand.

·         During Exercise: Drink 5 to 10 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes.

·         After Exercise: Drink 16 ounces for each pound of body weight lost during activity.

To increase energy and stamina in the gym drink branch chain amino acids (BCAA’s) in your water, you can buy it in powder form or in pill form.  It will aid in getting the needed building blocks to your tired muscles.  You can also mix in Green2o by Liv International which is made of chlorophyll, fulvic minerals and peppermint for added PH balance and energy.

So don’t forget to drink up!  Take a water bottle with you everywhere you go--be sure to drink purified water.  If you don’t have a water filter you can by a gallon water purifier at Walmart or Target. 

Thanks for reading... Until next time Liv Fit! Train Hard! Liv Happy!

Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Coach & Consultant


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