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Carol Whitaker


Who doesn’t want a noticeable six pack?  After all, we all have it, it’s just a matter of uncovering our beloved treasure. Having a tight midsection is more than just sexy and attractive it’s a much healthier way to be.  

When you are covered with a thick layer of fat around your midsection it will affect your health in several ways, diabetes 2 could be on the horizon, you could become insulin resistant, you will be sluggish and fatigued more, it interferes with sleeping patterns and you will be more apt to want to be more stationary rather than be active. 

 Having a larger midsection is really hard on your organs as well.  Imagine being an organ and trying to function and perform proficiently when you have weighted fat covering you and incorporating its way inside of you.  It would not only be uncomfortable but downright dangerous!

Everyone can have a six pack, it’s just a matter of being in alignment with who you really are to have the willpower and dedication to believing that a six pack is indeed obtainable.   

You are no exception to the rule that what the mind can conceive it can achieve.  Believe in yourself and reach for your dreams.  You will not only shift and transform your mind and body but your spirit will soar!  You are a creator!  So take control of your life today and begin creating and manifesting your dreams of tomorrow.

You can have a tight, sexy mid-section by following my Six Pack Ab program.  It will take time, dedication and perseverance, but it will be well worth your time and dedication to achieving your dreams.   

Commit to it living a LivFit Lifestyle to have a killer washboard stomach within 90 days (if you don't have a lot of weight to lose and if you do it will just take you a bit longer).  It takes work but it’s highly rewarding beyond your own comprehension of attaining.


To achieve best results you'll need to reduce your caloric intake and be sure to eat small meals throughout the day. Eat your largest meal at the beginning of the day tapering off to having your smallest meal at the end of the day. Each meal should consist of a lean protein, a complex carb and some good fat every 3 to 4 hours.

If eating clean is confusing to you a good rule of thumb is "If God didn't make it don't eat it." By eating whole foods your body will be fueled with the proper energy it will need to build efficiently build a hard, shapely physique.


6  x 40-50 Crunches - With your legs up in the air at a 90 degree angle.

6 x 50 (25 each side) Twist Crunches - Reaching with your elbow across your body to the opposite knee.

6 x 25 Three-Up Crunches - Do 3 small crunches in a row and as you up holding hold each little crunch for a few seconds then go back down slowly.

6 x 60 Bicycles - Lay on your back and raise your pelvis up and do bicycles with your legs, 25 forward and 25 backward.

6 x 20 V-Ups - Lay on your back raise your legs and arms at a 90 degree angle hold for 2 seconds and release back down to beginning position.


Really commit to following this program to see your awesome abs within 90 days. Do yourself a favor and resolve to get in the best shape of your life by summer.  Focus your attention on loving every aspect of your body.  

Each day do something relaxing & enjoyable, take time to pamper yourself. By balancing the body, mind and spirit you will be more confident, feel healthier, and live a happier way of life.

Believe that you can have an awesome six pack abs.  If you stay true to yourself and do my Six Pack Abs program you will have fantastic results in no time. Stay positive, eat clean & exercise daily to get in the best shape of your life!  Believe in yourself ~ Dreams really do come true!

Thanks for reading, until next time... Liv Fit! Train Hard! Liv Happy!

 Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Coach & Life Success Coach


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