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Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you have a green light to pig out. If you want a fit & sexy physique by summer you have to stay focused on your fitness goals 24/7! You have to be a weekend fitness warrior by not allowing junk food temptations to overpower you.

Plan your workouts and meals in advance, write them down then follow through by honoring your goals. You'll be happier and will feel empowered by keeping your promises. Be the master of your mind, don't let random uncontrolled cravings & lack of interest to exercise control your life!

Living a fit lifestyle is just that, a LIFESTYLE! It’s not a diet, it’s not deprivation, it’s not negative in any way ~ it’s quite the opposite! Living a LivFit Lifestyle balances the body, mind & spirit by being in control of your thoughts and emotions, living in harmony to how your true essence wants to live. Living a fit way of life will give you added willpower to skyrocket you to fitness success! It’s freedom! It’s highly liberating to be in control of your life!


It doesn’t matter if you are 10 to 100 plus pounds overweight, it doesn’t matter if your young or old, you can live a LivFit Lifestyle at any size or age. You can be in be in command of your life at any stage of your life. To begin start by believing in You! Even if you have a low self esteem you can turn it around. We all have ups & downs, it's part of life.  Having a positive mental attitude will give you more power within to be in control of your thoughts and feelings. You have the power to live a fit lifestyle no matter what your situation is.

By being the master of your mind you can decide to be happy. Being happy is having a heart filled with unconditional love, gratitude & forgiveness for you, as well as everyone who has come into your life. I can’t stress this enough, this is literally the starting point to transform your life & physique that will last a life time. It’s imperative to cherish all that you are today!


I have to admit, the weekends are definitely more tempting to fall off the “fitness & clean eating wagon”. It’s easier to allow yourself to forget your fitness goals & dreams. Without fail if I let my guard down I’ll eat mindlessly as I enjoy visiting with my family & friends, and I always pay for it too! The next few days I have to implement my “damage control” strategy to lose the water weight I gained literally over night.

A great tool to keep you intensely focused on your weight loss goal is to announce to all your loved ones & friends that you are living the LivFit Lifestyle and what it entails exactly! Announce that you are only going to be eating every few hours consisting of a variety of complex carbs, fresh veggies, salads, low GI fruits, lean proteins, nuts, berries, good fats and drinking lots of purified water.  Along with exercising at least 45 minutes 5 to 6 days a week.  You may be surprised how much support you receive from your family, you'll also be less likely to be tempted to eat carelessly if everyone around you expects you to be living a fit lifestyle.  By sharing your fitness goals you will be more accountable and more likely to keep on track with your goals.


Set a beginning and ending date when you write down your fitness goals. Once you achieve your goal date, celebrate by doing something that you love or buy a new pair of designer jeans to show off your new figure. Then set a new target date and new goals, stay focused daily until you accomplish your goals. Studies have shown that making and writing down goals regularly dramatically increases the odds of achieving success as opposed to those who don’t write down goals.

It’s incredibly rewarding to reach your goals. It’s not only life changing for you but it will directly inspire and motivate your family and friends around you to improve their way of life too. Dedicate and commit to being a weekend fitness warrior. Be true to you and believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

~Carol Whitaker
Lifestyle Fitness Consultant & Coach


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