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Liv has an AWESOME new product out call Green2o ~ it's Liv Sxinney Super Charged!  I love it and have had excellent results from using it.  I highly recommend you give it a try if you're in need of added energy (without stimulants), weight loss, or you just want improved health and wellness.

If you'd like to try Green2o which comes with a money back satisfaction guarantee go to to buy all Liv Intl's phenomenal product line at a discounted price.

Read for yourself the excellent benefits of drinking Green2o 


Green2o is the next generation in nutritional beverages. Add it to your water and drink it all day long for a refreshing and hydrating rush of green water. Green2o floods your body with chlorophyllins, fulvic minerals, and antioxidants, supporting you throughout your busy and stressful day. Green2o is not a juice; it contains no caffeine or stimulants. This is pure water amplified with green goodness for health on the go.

It comes in two flavors: natural lemon and spearmint. Both are delicious and enjoyed by children and adults alike.

Green2o is a natural detoxifier, it is alkaline pH-balanced. Green2O is rich with chlorophyllins which come from the leaves of plants. Scientists have been studying the benefits of chlorophyllins for many years.

Chlorophyll may increase oxygen uptake in the blood which can increase energy and relieve fatigue. It also helps support the healthy flora in the bowels which also help improve our immune function. Chlorophyll’s antioxidant capacity helps protect the body at a cellular level, therefore it helps neutralize free radicals. Austrian scientists have found that chlorophyll and its derivatives successfully slow down the oxidation of LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) which is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease.

Green2o also provides you with vital minerals that your body needs to stay working at its prime. Minerals are required for most everyday functions in the body, including enzyme and hormone production, muscle and bone development, healthy skin and the production of energy.

Green2o Benefits:

•Natural detoxifier
•Supports healthy digestion
•Alkaline pH-balanced
•Natural fulvic minerals
•Powerful antioxidant
•Electrolytes for recovery
•Heart-healthy resveratrol and proanthocyanidins
•Delicious hydration
•Natural energy booster

Not only is Green2o rich in chlorophyllins and fulvic minerals, but it also contains grape seed extract. Grape seed extract strengthens and protects living tissue. Grape seed extract is rich in proanthocyanidins and resveratrol. Its antioxidant power is 50 times stronger than Vitamin E and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. Grape seed extract may strengthen blood vessels, improve skin, aid in circulation, and increase endurance. Unlike some vitamins and antioxidants that are quickly excreted from the body, Grape seed extract remains in the body for up to 72 hours. Grape seed extract is recommended by doctors in several European countries for prevention and treatment of a variety of health problems including cardiovascular disease, varicose veins, water retention, collagen damage, and arthritis. Because it is used pharmaceutically, it has undergone a tremendous amount of scientific testing.

Green2o is preservative free, and sweetened with stevia, a natural sweetener derived from plants. The natural lemon and mint flavors come from pure essential oils from lemon and mint. Green2o is what everybody needs.

Directions: Empty one stick-pack into 32-44 oz of water, and shake to dissolve. Drink all day long.

Ingredients: Fulvic Mineral Concentrate, Chlorophyllins, Grape Seed Extract, Stevia, and Lemon or Spearmint oil for flavor.


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