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As a Lifestyle Fitness coach I focus on balancing the body, mind and spirit to create a powerful, positive mind-set; by doing so goals can become a reality with a well-designed fitness and LivFit meal plan.

I believe to achieve ultimate health you have to begin by loving who you are right now! By focusing on and learning how to have a positive mind-set every dream can come true. I ask my clients to take time to sit down and write out what they really want. I ask them why they want to lose weight. What are reasons for change? Whatever it is I have them write it down and create a powerful vision. Then I ask them to focus on it daily.

To curb emotional eating I teach how to focus on pampering oneself by indulging in what you love to do; such as reading a good book, taking a walk, calling a close friend, going shopping or getting a manicure. I also coach how to be prepared emotionally by having a mental game plan for when those emotional urges arise for cravings you will have an exit strategy out of the kitchen!


Living the LivFit Lifestyle is how I live my life. I’ve had phenomenal results by drinking Liv Sxinney and Go daily. I’ve dropped 9% body fat! I was finally able to reach my target body fat goal! Needless to say, I’m very pleased with the results. And to top it all off, I spend less time in my gym.

I start each morning drinking Go before my workout. I do interval training for my cardio 6 days a week for 30 minutes and weight lifting 4 days a week alternating upper and lower body. During my workout I hydrate with Liv Sxinney, it gives me the added energy and nutrients my tired muscles need to finish my tough workouts. I always have a recovery whey protein shake directly after my workouts to ensure my ready and hungry muscles receive the much needed nutrients.


Healthy eating is a vital key to fitness success. Without proper nutrient you can do all the crunches you want but will never see the desired 6 pack. I eat a small meal every 3 to 4 hours consisting of a lean protein, complex carbohydrate and some good fat. I have my last meal between 6 and 7 pm. If I get hungry later in the evening I have some cRave and drink Liv Sxinney. It’s very satisfying and takes the hunger pangs away. Then right before bed, I take Go again to ensure I build and recover during the night. I’ll always drink Liv Sxinney and Go! It truly has changed my life. By drinking it daily I’ve been able to accomplish my fitness goals, at the age of 40 I’m in the best shape of my life!

Living my LivFit Lifestyle is just tht it’s a way of life, it’s NOT a diet! It’s not deprivation, and it’s not a way to lose weight only to regain the weight back (and more) in a few months. It’s a fit way of living for life! By embracing a healither way to live and incorporating my LivFit Lifestyle you will literally transform your world in miraculous ways!

Liv Fit, Train Hard & Liv Happy!

~Carol Whitaker


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