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I love to cook for my family! Each day I make an after school snack for my children to come home to. There’s nothing like coming home to the smell of freshly baked cookies or a delicious hot meal after a long day at school or the office. 

All of the cooking I do is low-fat, high in protein & fiber when possible. I can take any recipe and make it low-fat. It’s fun to be creative in the kitchen and having everyone love my cooking without adding extra calories.

Below are a few of my favorite low-fat recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I enjoy making and are very delicious and satisfying.

Carol Whitakers' Low-Fat Recipes


Protein Whole Wheat Pancakes with 

3 egg whites
1/2 cup oats crushed in mixer or wheat germ
2/3 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup skim milk or low calorie Almond milk
1 tbs brown sugar or ½ tbs Agave
1/4 cup apple sauce
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
¼ tsp vanilla or almond extract
1 tsp cinnamon (optional)
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (optional)
Garnish with 1/4 cup diced apples or blueberries (can incorporate into mix as well)

Mix above ingredients well. Cook in pan/griddle on medium heat, spray with non-stick cooking spray. Pour into pan using 1/4 cup measuring cup. When air bubbles pop, turn once. Serve with low calorie jam or low sugar syrup. Garnish with diced apples or blueberries if desired. Enjoy!


Whole Wheat Pita Chicken Salad Sandwich

1 can chicken breast (all white meat) drain & rinse
1 stock diced celery
1tsp almond slices
1 tbs diced apple with skin
1 tbs walnuts
2 tbs plain low fat yogurt
1/2 tsp dried basil
Salt & pepper to taste

Mix together and stuff toassted ½ whole wheat pita, whole wheat bread or ezekiel bread, top with spouts and Wishbone Balsamic BreezeVinaigrette salad spray if desired. Serve with fresh spinach salad and 1/2 cup fresh fruit.


Baked Raspberry Chicken

Crushed whole wheat bread crumbs with 1 tsp dried basel, dash of salt & pepper
1 egg white whipped
6 halves boneless skinless chicken breasts


1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries divided (1/4 cup set aside)
1 /2 cup low sugar raspberry jam
1 tbs of low sugar maple syrup or 1/2 tbs Agave or honey
3 T red wine vinegar
1/8 cup water
¼ tsp of ginger & curry

Place chicken breast halves between sheets of plastic wrap, gently pound to flatten until even in thickness. Coat each breast in egg whites in one bowl and then in another bowl coat on both sides with the mixture of salt, pepper & bread crumbs and place in prepared baking dish sprayed with non fat cooking spray. Place in oven on 350 degrees for 25 to 45 minutes or until well done. *

Clean berries or let thaw and put a 1/4 cup aside for garnish. In a saucepan, combine berries, jam, vinegar, ginger, curry and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Pour over baked chicken and garnish with remaining strawberries. Serve with a beautiful green salad and brown rice for a delicious well balanced meal.

* You can also cook the chicken & sauce ingredients together in a slow cooker for 6 to 8 hours; this dish has a delicious aroma your family will love!


 These meals are low in calories and will keep you full for hours along with keeping your digestive track happy too.  Each recipe is low in fat and high in protein & fiber (the breakfast & lunch recipes). I hope your family comes to love these meals as much as my family does. 

And remember to drink Liv Sxinney throughout the day & take Crave between or before meals to lose weight along the way.  Cooking and baking at home together as a family is an absolute treat! Bon Appetite!


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