DIMENSIONS Weekly Cover Girl
I was asked to be the cover girl for an online men's fitness magazine written by women called DIMENSIONS Weekly.
I was honored to be featured as well and look forward to doing a workout routine article for next weeks magazine. Craig & Erica were incredibly nice and great to work with. Visit http://www.dimensionsweekly.net, click on my image to read their article.
I'm passionate about motivating others to improve their quality of life through proper nutrition and fitness. Living a LivFit Lifestyle effects all aspects of live.
I encourage people who want to start a fitness program to start off slow if necessary otherwise it could be too overwhelming and they'll give up before they even get started.
If you want to improve your heath and don't feel like you have the time to exercise daily then start with just 2 to 3 times a week 20 minutes each day. As you do you'll find that you'll begin to have more energy and you'll be able to workout longer each week.
And be sure to eat whole foods. Processed foods and sugars = unwanted fat! Literally! So if you want to shed a few pounds or if you want to see what your six pack actually looks like then stop eating mindlessly and stay away from empty calories found in candy and most comfort foods. Reach for a delicious crisp apple and a handful of raw almonds instead. By taking charge of your health and wellness you can turn back the clock - you'll look younger, feel stronger, and have a better love life too! What more could you want???
Choose today to eat clean whole foods, exercise and see yourself as already had accomplished your fitness dreams. Before long you'll actually see desired results and that is my friends is a great feeling! So train hard, eat well & be grateful for all that you are!