Tuesday was such a great day! KUTV News came to my home to film for their Healthy Living segments. We had a ball! And it's no wonder, Carla loves horses too! She really's awesome, we really did have so much fun! I look forward to our future endeavors together. She did an interview based on my life on how I was able to regain my health by loving myself unconditionally, then incorporating proper nutrition and daily exercising. She also did a take on the LivFit Transformation program & Liv SXinney. Jeff Tuttle, the CEO of Liv International came too. It was a day to remember for years to come.
I'm sincerely passionate about assisting others in creating a happier, healthier life. Living the LivFit lifestyle so incredibly rewarding on so many levels. Choosing to learn all I could about health and wellness changed my life, as well as using Liv SXinney products. I'm deeply thankful for the great abundance in all areas of my life. It's my dream to inspire, motivate and educate thousands of people across the world to learn to love who they are today. By doing so the body does amazing things... As I always say, believe in your dreams because dreams really do come true!
Best wishes in every thing you touch in your life...
Baby G:)