I’m a member of facebook and have made wonderful new like-minded friends, of whom I will cherish for life (BTW, if you’re on facebook too please add me as a friend , I’d love to meet you!) I have a group everyone is invited to join called LivFit Fitness. I copied today’s message because I believe it is imperative in achieving ultimate health. Fitness is not only healthy but it wards off stress, depression, anxiety and lack of self- esteem. By incorporating fitness into your everyday lifestyle you’ll have more energy, more self confidence, you’ll be a better spouse and parent, you’ll feel amazing in your clothes and you’ll be happier too! Who doesn’t want all of that in their lives? So here’s it is… read it with a smile on your face and get moving!!!
Okay, I'm going to lay it out in loving terms... How many of you want to sincerely improve your health, emotional wellbeing and strength? Did you get out of bed, said a prayer of gratitude, weighed in, put on your exercise clothes, read your fitness goals out loud, take Go (the body building Hall of Fame supplement) and hit the gym running??? And after your heart pounding, jello legs workout went home and got a high protein recovery shake?
If you did, GREAT JOB!!! Be proud of yourself and give yourself a pat on the back! And if you didn't, decide now to commit to the LivFit Lifestyle. You CAN to it! Set your goals in writing, believe you can achieve them, and then allow yourself to receive them!