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Liv International 12-Week Challenge Kick-Off


This past weekend was awesome!!! Formerly Zxoom Int'l launched their new name Liv International along with the LivFit 12-Week Challenge. The synergy was intense, everyone was so jazzed, giving hugs and smiles to new and old friends... It was very powerful! I'm deeply grateful to be a member of the LivFit Coaching Team, what a blessing is has been in my life. I'm anxious to assist thousands of people in reaching their fitness goals! Living a LivFit Lifestyle is rewarding on so many levels. Not only do you improve your own life but all around you as well. To learn more about the 12-Week Challenge visit and click on Coach Program.

Jeff Tuttle, the President and formulator, is a gift to the world! Literally! I'm thankful he found his purpose in life and was willing to accomplish his goals of changing lives around the world. He is brilliant, kind, caring, fun, out-going and a very giving individual. I'm so blessed & all the better for knowing him and his incredible staff.

Since drinking Liv Sxinney body fat is down to 12% and I've lost 10 lbs! Liv Sxinney has literally changed my life in miraculous ways. I was able to finally reach my fitness goals, I have tons more energy and I'm happier & more relaxed too. I love it sooo much! :)

Living your life on purpose, striving to make the world a better place one smile at a time and caring for all around you will bring you true happiness. Embrace what you believe in, share your gifts, your passions and believe in your dreams!


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