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Do you really want to lose weight? Do you want to get in shape and feel the best you've felt in years? If you do, I'm very proud of you, sincerely - I am! Here's a little advice to get big results fast! :)

Everyone knows you need to exercise and eat right to lose weight... but did you know eating only 2 to 3 meals a day will make you gain unwanted fat? That's how sumo wrestlers become so huge, they eat one enormous meal at night and then go to bed. The body can not process a large meal, so what is not used for energy turns to unwanted fat - yuck! By exercising at least 30 to 60 minutes a day consisting of cardio & resistance training in addition to eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day you'll literally jump start your metabolism - and who doesn't want that?

Plan ahead, if you fail to plan you plan to fail... Write your goals, workout routines and meals ahead of time and then follow through. By keeping a journal of your diet and exercise you'll be more committed and accountable. Try to eat a lean protein and lots of fresh veggies every 3 to 4 hours. And be sure to have your complex carbs before 2 or 3 pm. And be sure to try to drink 80 oz of water a day. For many that seems like a lot, work up to it if you have to. Scientific studies have proven high water consumption literally will increase your metabolism, as well as remove toxin's from the body - so drink up! Have your last and smallest meal by 7 pm to ensure greatest fat loss results.

Commit today to changing your life for the better. Exercise more, eat 5 to 6 small meals, then believe you can achieve your fitness goals! And before you know it you will! :)

~ Liv Sxinney Girl


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