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It's not quite New Years yet and you probably haven't thought about your new years resolution, but now is actually a great time to think about what goals you want to accomplish for the new year.

One of the main questions I'm asked is how to get rock-hard abs. I'm going to share with you my secrets of success. This year you can add having a coveted six pack to your list of resolutions! You can have a tight, sexy middle by following my Six Pack Ab program. By committing to it you will have a killer washboard stomach. It's not easy but it's well worth your time and energy to work towards such a lofty goal.

First you need to look at your family's genes. What is your physique like now? How about your family, what are your parents and siblings figures like? Does your family carry most of their weight in their abdominal area or the bottom half? If you carry your weight mainly around the middle then it will take you a bit longer to see your six pack than those that carry their weight around the lower half. Don't be discouraged, just realize where you gain weight first will be the last place you lose it. It's a bummer for sure, but if you understand how the body burns fat then you'll be better equipped to accomplish your goal of getting a ripped middle.

For starters, you can't pin point a muscle group and develop that certain area. The entire body has to burn and shed fat in order to see the beloved six pack. We all have abdominal muscles, it's just a matter of loosing the padding that's covering them.

To achieve the results you'll need to reduce your caloric intake and be sure to eat small meals throughout the day. Each meal should consist of a lean protein, a complex carb and some good fat every 3 to 4 hours. Have your largest meal at the beginning of the day tapering off to a small meal in the evening. Try to have your last meal between 6 and 7pm. Be sure to drink at least a gallon of purified water to keep your metabolism burning and to remove toxins from your body.

Next you'll need to do cardio at least 5 days a week and weight lifting at least 3 days a week. As you strength train you'll use your core muscle to stable your body which will strengthen your abdominal muscles. Doing core training such as yoga and Pilate's is also an excellent choice for core strengthening.

Doing exercises that focuses on the core muscles is necessary. Here are a list of various exercises to do 3 times a week. Do not train your abs everyday, they need recovering time too just like your other muscles. Do each exercise 3 sets of 25.

Six Pack Ab Routine:

1. Crunches - with your legs up in the air at a 90 degree angle.
2. Twist Crunches - reaching with your elbow across your body to the opposite knee.
3. Three-Up Crunches - do 3 small crunches in a row holding each little crunch as you go up.
4. Bicycles - lay on your back and raise your pelvis up and do bicycles with your legs, 25 forward and 25 backward.
5. V-Ups - lay on your back raise your legs and arms at a 90 degree angel hold for 2 seconds and release back down to beginning position.

You have to commit to following this program for at least 3 to 4 months to see rewarding results. If you really want results fast then be sure to drink Liv Sxinney and Go every day for maximum definition. Having a shredded six pack isn't only attractive but its essential for optimal health.

Do yourself a favor and commit to getting into the best shape of your life this year. Really focus on loving who you are right now, love every aspect of your body. Focus on doing something relaxing and enjoyable every day, take time to pamper yourself. By balancing the body, mind and spirit you'll be more confident, feel healthier, and live a happier life. See yourself fit, thin & happy now. Believe that you can have an awesome six pack and you will! :)


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