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What a great weekend! I enjoyed time with my family, visited with my parents and went to church yesterday. And I made a delicious turkey dinner, I had to decide which turkey recipe I wanted to use for Thanksgiving. I actually create my own recipes; my rosemary, thyme & maple syrup recipe was delicious! My family was in heaven! I also took dinner to my parents. My sweet mother recently had double knee replacement, she's doing awesome! She's already walking without her walker and it will be 3 weeks tomorrow! I'm very proud of her, she's such a trooper. She's very health conscious. She drinks Liv Sxinney too which has assisted her in her recovery. And our dear friend, Irene, a cranial sacral therapist came for 3 days straight after her surgery to aid her. She worked miracles. She is truly an angel to our family. I am deeply grateful for her.


I'm often asked and approached while out and about on how to get in shape. I always tell everyone about the power of Go. I've mentioned many times how much I love Zxoom's product, Go. I've had phenomenal results from it. In just over a month's time, I've lost 9 lbs and 7% body fat since using it along with drinking Liv Sxinney throughout the day.

Go is a superior l-arginine product. The l-arginine used for Go is of the highest quality. Jeff Tuttle, the CEO & Formulator for Zxoom searched for years in quest of finding the purest l-arginine for his muscle pumping product. I've tried many l-arginine products over the years and have yet to experience anything like Go. Go is a better quality product above other awesome Nitric Oxide supplements. It offers 5 grams of l-arginine! Most N.O. products only offer 3 grams. If you really want to lose fat and begin seeing a sculpted physique, then you really need to add Go to your list of daily supplements.


Go's main ingredient is L-arginine, which is a conditionally-essential amino acid. Go also combines a proprietary blend of other amino acids for optimal delivery. L-arginine the best precursor to Nitric Oxide or commonly known as N.O. N.O. is a cellular gas synthesized within the body from a combination of oxygen and an amino acid arinine by Nitric Oxide Syntheses (NOS) enzyme. N.O. signals the muscles surrounding blood vessels to relax or widen, known as vasodilation. Which aids in increase blood flow to the muscle tissues. As the muscles become filled with blood, oxygen and needed nutrition are delivered while waist is removed.

After a hard weight training workout your muscles are fatigued & ready for optimum nutrition delivery. That's where Go comes in. When the muscles are fatigued nutrition is needed. N.O. increases nutrient delivery and removes metabolic waste which causes fatigue. This is often referred to as "The Pump." N.O. is reactive, so you need to mix the Go and drink it within 10 minutes. It's very transient which diffuses freely across the cells. It has to be in powder form for that reason, it can not be mixed with drinks, put into foods, or made in pill form.


For optimum results Go needs to be taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning before your workout. I also recommend taking it with a 500 to 1000 mg of vitamin C for optimal cellular delivery. If you workout in the afternoon don't eat for two hours and take Go prior to going to the gym. Then wait for one hour after taking Go. Take Go again at night two hours after your last meal. Your body recovers mostly at night between 11:00 pm and 2:00 am. It's important to get to bed before 10:30 pm to give your body the essential time it needs for full recovery.

If you're serious about getting a ripped physique then you absolutely need to incorporate Go into your LivFit Lifestyle. For more information please feel free to contact me. I'll be happy to reply the same day. I'm serious about fitness and don't take the necessary means lightly - So I recommend you get Go, get pumped and get ripped!


Destiny said…
I have to eat before I go to the gym (in fact I have dilemma that I am suppose to eat every couple hours because of my low blood pressure, but that's another question) so I guess I would eat breakfast, wait two hours, take Go and then workout...?
but I'm confused, "don't eat for two hours and take Go prior to going to the gym. Then wait for one hour after taking Go. "
Wait for an hour after taking Go to do what?
Thanks for your help, I love your blog :)

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