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The Fountain of Youth Discovered

This morning we woke up to a winter wonderland or should I say a blizzard! It was sooo cold! I was one cold girl when I had to go out to feed the horses. That's typical Utah weather, last week it was in the high 70's and today's high is 36 degrees. Surprisingly, I welcomed it with a warm heart. I made a hot yummy breakfast for my family and turned on Christmas music. I love music and always have soft music playing all day long. It sets a loving, peaceful tone in our home. And Christmas music is by far my favorite! I love this time of year everyone starts to think of others and seems happier. It's truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

I woke up to another pleasant surprise which I was thrilled about. I got on the scale and my body fat was down another 2.5%!!! And I was down 2 lbs! My body fat is the lowest its ever been. Needless to say, I'm very, very pleased! I told my husband that I discovered the Fountain of Youth! I bet you're wondering what it is... It's a combination of drinking Liv Sxinney all day long, taking Go twice a day (morning and night) and doing P90X 5 times a week. That's it! It's incredibly simple and works miracles. I actually feel & look younger too! Of course I should also add that I eat 5 clean, balanced meals as well. The secret to Go is to take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and again at night two hours after your last meal. I typically take it between 8 and 9 pm. I'm seriously so stoked about my newly discovered system! I firmly believe that when you're on the paths of health and nutrition your body will lead you to what it needs and craves. And for me that was Liv Sxinney. I can not say enough good things about it! I love it on so many levels!

I also have another fabulous gift in my life that I was recently introduced to by my best friend, Heidi. I was telling her about how frustrated I was getting about not being able to find an audio book on how to become a motivational speaker at the book stores. She then told me about an incredible newly launch website called iLearningGlobal. It's a website that specializes self improvemet. It offers world famous teachers/specialist that people pay thousands of dollars to attend one of their seminars. I was instantly interested in learning more. As soon as I sat down and watched it I was hooked! I gladly joined for $109 and only pay $79 a month to be able to have some of the most famous specialists in the world teach me in the comforts of my home. I listen to various speakers everyday and have already grown in my skills and confidence by doing so. I have really, really big dreams and I know this is a huge tool in my life to assist me in accomplishing them. If you'd like to learn more check out If you do email me your thoughts, I love to hear what you think.

Also, another gift in my life is I recently joined an online network community called Perfect Networker. If you own your own business or do network marketing and would like to connect with outstanding people I highly recommend you join Perfect Networking at and best of all it's free!

Well, I need to get back to working on my book. Have a great day! :)


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