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Wow! I can't believe its already October! Where has the time gone??? I'm actually looking forward to 2009, this year has been rough with the down slope of the economy. It will be nice to have it behind us once and for all. I'm really looking forward to a highly profitable new year! I'm grateful for all that I have learned this year. Through the difficult times I turned to Heavenly Father for guidance and protection. I'm thankful for the answers to my many heartfelt prayers. As a home builder we were unfortunate and lost a lot of money on our spec home. At the time it was terrifying and caused me to stress and worry. Each day was a different emotional day. At times I was strong and filled with faith, and other I was down and fearful. But in the end as it always does, it all worked out. We learned many valuable lessons, resulting in making me stronger, wiser and more grateful for who I am today. As I said before, I welcome 2009 with enthusiasm for a bright future! Life really is so good!!!
Normally I'm sad when summer comes to an end, but I have to say that we've had the most amazing weather lately. Its been in the high 80's all week! I've been outside soaking up the sunshine as much as possible. Too bad it can't last longer. I look at the beautiful weather as a gift from above. I'm still out riding my horses in short sleeves - I'm loving it! And because the weather is cooling down slowly it enriches the warm feelings of fall. I love the smell of autumn's crisp air. It's fun to bake yummy foods for my children and to spend more time together indoors as a family. My kids love playing together, it warms my heart to hear them laugh and enjoy each other.

Yesterday was loads of fun. I was lucky enough to go horse back riding twice!!! How lucky am I! :) I went with my dear friend Jennifer in the morning. That's her in the picture, that was three years ago. We're definitely kindred spirits. We met while boarding our horses (before I had my barn). We became friends instantly, she's such a light in my life. We have so much fun together. She actually had to sell her horse, Kid, it was sad. But luckily Page adores her. We get together often to ride. She rode Page and I rode Flash yesterday, we were all in heaven together. Then in the evening I rode Page with my "oldest daughter" Lindsey, she rode her horse, Ellie. She's boarding her horse here. Her mom, Angie, is one of my best friends, they're the family that moved into my neighborhood this summer from Chicago. I've loved having them home again. I have to admit I am one blessed girl!
I read an awesome article called 11 Small Tricks for Big Weight Loss. It was great so I had to share it with you. Go to Add some Liv Sxinney, Go, & cRave and you'll have it made! Portion control is the most important aspect of living a longer, healthier life. Most people don't realize how essential it is to eat less. Our bodies don't like a lot of food at once, it can only digest a certain amount of calories at one time. Over eating bogs the body down and makes you feel yucky - so why over eat? Its just not worth it. As I always say, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!" So eat less, play more, and give love today. Then pay attention to how much more vigor and zest for life you feel. Its simple and highly rewarding.
Well, I'm off to take my kids to school. I'm looking foreword to a very happy, relaxing day!


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