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July 23, 2008


What a last few days it has been... Thursday evening my family & Lindsey went up to see Xavier, (my Friesian I sold.) We had such a wonderful time and on the way home we decided to take Lindsey to see Cabella's, a big sporting store. It was around 8 pm and I had a feeling that I needed to get home to check on my horses. I left them out in the pasture and felt impressed I needed to get home. But my kids begged me to take Lindsey to see the animals in Cabella's so I gave in and we went. It was a lot of fun and my children had a blast there, but when we came home all of our excitement vanished into worry, concern and sadness.

My precious Flash had just cut his lower eye lid horribly moments before I got to him. The blood hadn't even began to fall. I couldn't believe my eyes, my heart sunk and I tried not to cry in front of my kids. I immediately called my sweetheart to come home and then called the vet. Flash was so sad and in a lot of pain. We loaded him up in the trailer and headed down to the animal hospital. It was a long night and all I could think about is how I didn't listen to the spirit... what a lesson I learned that night. When we arrived I spoke softly and lovingly to Flash explaining that the vet was going to help him. When he heard my voice his anxiety would lesson, and then when the vet put him out so he could stitch him, I held his head during the procedure. Flash is known for his big, beautiful expressive eyes... now they're not perfect anymore. It seriously breaks my heart. He'll probably have scaring in two places on his lower lid... I'm trying to stay positive hoping that a miracle will happen and that he heals to perfection once more. But I am deeply grateful it didn't punture his eyeball - it could have been so much worse.

Our children and Linsey came with us to the hospital. We all said our own prayers asking for Heavenly Father to bless Flash. I called my family and friends too, each was more than willingly to offer up a prayer on his behalf. It made me realize just how fortunate I am to have such amazing people in my life. I couldn't have made it through without them... And my incredibly sweet husband has been my rock through it all. Each morning and night he's been putting Flash's eye medicine in his eye and giving me the support I need too. I'm the luckiest girl in the world! I love Matthew more than words can express.

I'm happy to report that Flash is healing well. I'm actually going to take him on a trail ride this evening with my friend, Kathy. She's bought Xavier so I'll be able to give him loves again and Flash will be able to see his friend too. It all turned out thank heavens, but once again I learned a lesson about listening to the still small voice. If only I could master that in my life... Thankfully each day is a new beginning, a new start, of which I can try to be better in all areas of my life.

And BTW, I'm been exercising and eating great! I'm proud of myself... And it's going to be a great day!


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