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June 12, 2008

What a week!

Well, I have to say that I haven't been eating as well as I'd like. It's all been good foods but I'm not eating enough fruits & veggies - I have a love for almonds and that's what I've been snacking on a lot. Almonds are so good for you but high in calories... hmmm, I hope our spec home sells this week, the stress of it all is really getting old! I haven't been sleeping as well lately either. I woke up at 6:00 am! Not by choice either.....

But it's all good! I'm deeply grateful for Liv SXinney, I can't even express how happy I am that I'm a part of such an incredible company. My friends are shedding weight like crazy, it's truly phenomenal! I can't wait until a year from now to look back and see all of my dreams come to fruition. I sincerely believe that ZXoom was divinely guided to me, without question. I love it so much!

Tomorrow evening is the Liv SXinney "Losers Wanted" Party. I'm really looking forward to it! We're going to have such a fun time. Everyone that's a part of the Liv SXinney team is absolutely amazing! I have made life long eternal friends, I love them all very much. Cori & Lorrie are dear to my heart, I love them like family.

And to top it all off my precious friend Irene and I are now business partners! I'm so excited, we have tons of fun together! When I first met her I felt like I had known her forever! It was truly magical. I look up to her on so many levels. She's an accomplished dressage rider - she's trained 4 Olympic horses!!! That's so intense I can't even tell you! I love her so very much. We're going to go far together without question. I'm deeply grateful for all that she is and for her role in my life...

I'm telling you what, positive affirmation really work! It's amazing how powerful our thoughts are. So many wonderful things have happened in such a short amount of time. I can hardly wait to see what my magical future holds! Life really is so good!!!! :)


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