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April 29, 2008

Hi everyone!

Well, today has been a great day. I still don't feel as well as I'd like (I still have a head cold) but I'm happy. And I was very pleased to wake up to see our grass is almost all green! Yeah! That means warmer weather really is just around the corner! First thing this morning I drank my SXinney Water & CRave, took my vitamins and got my kids ready for school. After I got them out the door I headed down to my weight room (it's my favorite room in the house - literally.) I biked 10 miles, I'm pleased to say that I did it 5 minutes faster than I normally do! I was shocked actually. I know its from drinking SW, it really does give me way more endurance, it's so awesome!

Yesterday I didn't eat as well as I had hoped. My cute mother bought us some Multigrain all natural tortilla chips from Costco.... They're sooo delicious!!! They're made of flax, sunflower, & sesame seeds, oats fiber, brown rice, quinoa & soy. Even though they're very healthy they still have way too much sodium for my liking. So today I recommitted to eating clean and so far so good. For breakfast I had a protein shake made with lite soy milk & frozen berries - it's yummy! And for lunch I had a wonderful fresh salad with chicken. Then for my snack I had a protein bar & some lite popcorn... I always feel better when I'm true to myself. And it helps to keep a journal of my diet as well - blogging is quite the motivator! :)

I went to a Liv SXinney luncheon today at the corporate office, it was wonderful! I learned a lot more about the benefits of taking the Liv SXinney products. Seriously, the health property list goes on forever. I want to tell even more people about the powerful healing benefits it has. And not to mention that people are losing weight very quickly!!! What a bonus!!! I love to hear the success stories, knowing how much happier and healthier the people are that drink it warms my heart. I really enjoy the luncheons, I get to see my friends weekly, it's so much fun! The uplifting energy is amazing! I sincerely admire and look up to each and every person that attends the luncheons. And I cherish each new friend I make... everyone that is drawn to this company is outstanding! I'm one lucky girl to be part of it!

Anyway, I better get back to work... my kids will be home soon. Have a great day! :)


AnneMarie said…
Hey Carol! So fun to see your blog and your amazing pictures! You'd probably like to know; my mom-in-law, a woman who has been obese for over 30 years has dropped 22 lbs. in the last 2 1/2 weeks! She is so excited,motivated and has so much energy she even started walking around the block which, in the past she has absolutely refunsed to do. What a powerful change that is! So good to see you at the luncheon today, you are such a sweetie! AnneMarie
Hey AnneMarie,

It was so fun to see you today! Thank you for sharing your mother-in-laws great success story. I loved reading it! I'm so happy for her! I'm sure she's feeling like a new woman. Liv SXinney truly is a gift from above! Thanks again! :)

Hugs & smiles,


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